New AI method for public health analysis shows trends in substance use among high schoolers
University of Waterloo researchers take a novel approach to public health analysis
University of Waterloo researchers take a novel approach to public health analysis
Professor's winning research photo of suspended droplets was inspired by a walk in the park
On November 12, 2022, the Waterloo Artificial Intelligence Institute with industry host Musashi AI held a data challenge focused on computer vision open to all Waterloo students.
Ceremony honours Waterloo Engineering medal and award recipients
The University of Waterloo and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) partner to focus on talent development in artificial intelligence (AI) through co-operative education and work-integrated learning (WIL).
Ceragen is helping farmers engineer the plant microbiome to increase crop yields
Smart monitoring system is designed to help caregivers identify leaks, bleeds or potential infections early
The computational models will help medical practitioners better understand the physiology of the kidneys during pregnancy