Funding guidelines

The Arts Endowment Fund (AEF) Committee gives priority to proposals that will benefit the highest number of undergraduate Arts students at the University of Waterloo over the longest period of time.

Proposals may include (but are not limited to) the purchase of equipment, conference attendance and operations, publications, and student-led initiatives.

Projects with a proven educational benefit are of particular interest.

  1. Applicants must be undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Waterloo or the affiliated University and University Colleges, who are Full Members of the Arts Endowment Fund, having paid the per-term fee in support of the AEF. Students in the School of Accounting and Finance do not pay the AEF fee and are not eligible to apply for funding support.
  2. Approved project funding is a one-time allocation. The Arts Endowment Fund does not fund multiple-year commitments.
  3. The Arts Endowment Fund does not provide funding support to charitable organizations or charitable activities.
  4. Applications for funding must be submitted at least one (1) month prior to an event.
  5. The AEF Committee will not consider retroactive payments for events that have already occurred or purchases already made.
  6. Expense claims where applicable must be submitted within one (1) month of the event or purchase, consistent with policy established by UWaterloo Finance.
  7. Applicants will be required to provide a report on their project

If you have questions regarding the AEF funding guidelines, please contact


  • Please ensure that a complete formal estimate of costs associated with your project is included with your submission. This may include invoices, on-line quotes or estimates provided by Waterloo Plant Operations.
  • Two formal estimates must be presented with any funding requests for equipment or furnishings.
  • AEF funding will not be provided to cover ongoing operating costs related to a proposal.
  • The AEF Committee provides an acceptance letter to successful applicants, which confirms the extent of funding to be provided. Funding decisions made by the Committee are final.
  • Any unused funds will revert back to the AEF.
  • If the cost of your project is higher than you expect, you or your group must be responsible for the difference. The Arts Endowment Fund will not provide the additional funding.
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