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Alexie Tcheuyap, FRSC

Dean of Arts | Professor, French Studies
Alexie Tcheuyap
Location: PAS 2402
Link to profile: Alexie Tcheuyap, FRSC

Katherine Acheson

Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs
Photo of Katherine Acheson
Location: PAS 2439

Richard Eibach

Associate Dean, Undergraduate Students
Richard Eibach
519-888-4567 ext. 43554
Location: PAS 2451

Anna Esselment

Associate Dean, Graduate Studies
Anna Esselment
519-888-4567, ext. 42190
Location: PAS 2433
Link to personal webpage: Anna Esselment

Ana Ferrer

Associate Dean, Research
Ana Ferrer
519-888-4567, ext. 48771
Location: PAS 2427
Link to profile: Ana Ferrer
Link to personal webpage: Ana Ferrer

Robert Park

Associate Dean, Co-operative Education and Planning
Robert Park
519-888-4567, ext. 45016
Location: PAS 2419

Rachel Anderson (on leave)

Academic Advisor
Rachel Anderson
519-888-4567 x40363
Location: PAS 2447
Contact for: First year Honours Arts, First Year Arts and Business students

Bill Baer

Information Technology (IT) Director
Bill Baer
519-888-4567, ext. 42157
Location: PAS 2081A

Kim Bardwell

Director, Advancement
Kim Bardwell
519 888-4567, ext. 47310
Location: PAS 2414
Contact for: Direct fundraising and alumni relations for Arts; Develop annual fundraising priorities; Manage a portfolio of perspective donors and current donors; Work with the Dean, Associate Deans, department Chairs to develop fundraising and alumni relations goals.

Alicia Bevan

Operations Manager
Location: PAS 2409
Contact for: Facilities management, student appeals, health and safety

Nevil Bromley

Information Technology Specialist
Nevil Bromley.
519-888-4567, ext. 46519
Location: PAS 2081H

Jennifer Book

Academic Advisor
Jennifer Book
Location: PAS 2457
Contact for: Faculty transfers, Faculty transfer readmissions

Caroline Brookes

Assistant to the Dean
Caroline Brookes
519-888-4567, ext. 48246
Location: PAS 2401

Amy Brown

Student Engagement Coordinator
Amy Brown
519-888-4567 x41233
Location: PAS 2458
Contact for: Student engagement, Arts orientation

Andrea Charette

Director of Faculty Relations and Planning
Andrea Charette
519-888-4567, ext. 42218
Location: PAS 2404

Shelby Davies

Faculty Services Manager
519-888-4567, ext. 42100
Location: PAS 2408

Kristen Deckert

Academic Advisor
Kristen Deckert
519-888-4567, ext. 40817
Location: PAS 2444
Contact for: Upper year Arts and Business and/or Liberal Studies students with last name A-L, Non-Degree/Post-Degree

Stacy Denton

Director, Arts First | Lecturer, Arts First | Lecturer, English Language and Literature
519-888-4567 x48532
Location: HH 153
Link to profile: Stacy Denton's profile

Maha Eid

Graduate Studies and Research Officer
Maha Eid
519-888-4567 x42415
Location: PAS 2428

Karen Goad

Advancement Coordinator
Karen Goad
519-888-4567, ext. 40542
Location: PAS 2413

Camille Graham

Administrative Coordinator
519-888-4567, ext. 42606
Location: PAS 2081C
Contact for: Course Evaluation process, Purchasing of computer equipment and software, Arranging new computers for new faculty, Booking PAS 1237 for one-off bookings

Jason Greatrex

Information Technology Specialist
519-888-4567, ext. 46494
Location: PAS 2081F

Sheilaah Guthrie

Associate Director, Advancement, School of Accounting and Finance
Sheilaah Guthrie
519-888-4567, ext. 38917
Location: HH 290G

Emily Hudson

Curriculum Manager and Academic Integrity Co-ordinator
Emily Hudson
519-888-4567, ext. 45998
Location: PAS 2448
Contact for: Employees: ARTS & ARBUS course scheduling, Arts final exam scheduling, convocation awards, UGAG submission processes, Policy 71 inquiries. Students: Policy 71 appointments with Associate Dean.

Rubin Kataki

Development Officer
Rubin Kataki
Location: PAS 2416
Contact for: Corporate and individual fundraising of gifts within the Faculty of Arts

Tracy Klassen-Jacobs

Undergraduate Service Co-ordinator
519-888-4567, ext. 40849
Location: PAS 2046

Xing Liao

Faculty Financial Officer
Xing Liao.
519-888-4567, ext. 48647
Location: PAS 2412
Contact for: Financial strategy, long-term planning activities, and internal control; Financial management and collaboration at the university level; Staff leadership, training, development activities and other financial matters

Kayla Lorentz

Manager – Academic Advising
Kayla Lorentz
519-888-4567, ext. 42147
Location: PAS 2442
Contact for: Applications for readmission, concurrent degree, general advising support and inquiries.

Rebecca MacAlpine

Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE) Liaison to the Faculty of Arts
Rebecca MacAlpine
519-888-4567 ext. 43851
Location: PAS 1234 and Mobile

Kelli MacCulloch

Undergraduate Coordinator and Advisor, Arts and Business
Location: PAS 2452
Contact for: Admin matters – Arts and Business

Kathryn MacDonald

Executive Officer
Kathryn MacDonald
519-888-4567, ext. 42011
Location: PAS 2407
Contact for: Planning regarding: Human Resources (Policies and Procedures), Financial Resources (Budget), Physical Resources (Space)

Becky Moore

Academic Advisor
Becky Moore
519-888-4567, ext. 40469
Location: PAS 2449
Contact for: First-year students Honours Arts and Arts and Business students with last name M-Z

Julie Mulvey

Academic Officer
Julie Mulvey.
Location: PAS 2439
Contact for: Arts' Timetabling Representative, ug data needs for Arts administrators, resource person for academic progression, regulations, admissions.

Kaitlin O'Brien

Graduate Recruitment Officer
Kaitlin O'Brien
518-888-4657, ext. 47958
Location: PAS 2436
Contact for: Arts graduate studies marketing and communications.

Scott Paterson

Information Technology Specialist
Scott Paterson
519-888-4567, ext. 45428
Location: PAS 2081E

Wendy Philpott

Director, Strategic Communication
519-888-4567, ext. 48530
Location: PAS 2425
Contact for: Faculty of Arts content strategy, planning and development related to research, teaching, learning and internal and external community. Liaison with University communication and media teams.

Sarah Robertson

Academic Advisor
Sarah Robertson Headshot
519-888-4567, ext. 47245
Location: PAS 2443
Contact for: Arts International Exchange (Inbound and Outbound)

Elizabeth Rogers

Digital Experience Manager
Elizabeth Rogers
519-888-4567, ext. 48645
Location: PAS 2418

Selena Santi

Research Development Officer
Selena Santi
519-888-4567 x49103
Location: PAS 2424
Contact for: Faculty grant programs and application procedures; Academic award and prize nominations (e.g., Royal Society, Trudeau Foundation, Killam, etc.); Faculty member research areas

Jameson Schildroth

Information Technology Specialist
519-888-4567 x41275
Location: PAS 2081D

Lynn Skelly

Academic Advisor
Photo of Lynn Skelly
519-888-4567 x42186
Location: PAS 2447
Contact for: Upper year Arts and Business and/or Liberal Studies students with last name M – Z, Non-Degree/Post-Degree

Sean Speers

Information Technology Specialist
Sean Speers
519-888-4567 x43769
Location: PAS 2081B

Stratford School Contacts

Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business
Location: 125 St. Patrick Street, Stratford

Stefania Stachura

Undergraduate Operations Manager
Stefania Stachura
519-888-4567, ext. 40553
Location: PAS 2457
Contact for: Employees: Undergraduate curriculum and academic regulations policy and practice. Students: Policy 70 appointments with Associate Dean, Arts Experiential Learning Fund.

Stavros Stavroulias

Undergraduate Recruitment Co-ordinator
Stavros Stavroulias
519-888-4567, ext. 47581
Location: PAS 2463
Contact for: Future student questions, recruitment events, Arts tours, relationship building, and Arts Ambassadors.

Christine Sun

Financial Analyst
519-888-4567 ext. 40287
Location: PAS 2411
Contact for: Financial planning, expense management, research compliance for research grants, financial training, process establishment and improvement.

Olivia Vanderwal

Digital Communication Specialist
Olivia Vanderwal
Location: PAS 2426

Andrea West

Academic Advisor
Andrea West
519-888-4567, ext. 45801
Location: PAS 2441
Contact for: First-year students Honours Arts and Arts and Business students with last name A-L, Foundation Term and UNIV 101 advising, Staff Liaison for Portal and smARTSspace.

Phoebe Wong

Senior Alumni Engagement Officer
519-888-4567, ext. 47705
Location: PAS 2417