We know that for many students paying for university isn't easy. We're committed to making sure that a lack of money doesn't get in the way of your success at University of Waterloo. We'll work with you to help you find ways to fund your education.
President's Scholarship of Distinction and Upper-Year Awards
Students admitted to the University of Waterloo with an admission average of 95% or above receive a one-time $2,000 entrance scholarship.
Recipients of the President's Scholarship of Distinction who complete Year One with a minimum cumulative average of 80%, based on full-time enrolment, are eligible to claim up to two President's upper-year awards valued at $1,500 each prior to graduating from their undergraduate program. Visit the Student Awards and Financial Aid website for more information about the President's upper-year awards and how to claim each of them.
For the President's Research Award, consult the list of available research assistant positions in Arts prior to claiming the award (if eligible).
Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Student Experiential Learning Fund
Awards of varying size (up to $1,500) are available to undergraduate students registered in the Faculty of Arts who wish to participate in an extra-curricular activity that will enhance their education in their program or experiential activity tied to a course where the cost is not covered by their tuition. Selection will be based on academic achievement (a minimum cumulative average of 70% is required) and a demonstration of how the activity will benefit the student’s knowledge acquisition or professional development, or enrich their in-class learning. Interested students must apply by completing an application form and submitting it to the Undergraduate Operations Manager, Arts Undergraduate Office. An application form is required. Applications will be accepted throughout the year.
Lynne and Peter Woolstencroft Experiential Learning Award
Awards of varying value are available to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the Faculty of Arts who wish to participate in an extracurricular activity that will enhance their education in their program of study or an experiential activity tied to a course where the cost is not covered by their tuition. Selection is based on academic achievement (minimum 70% cumulative average) and a demonstration of how the activity will benefit the student’s knowledge acquisition, professional development, or enrich their in-class learning. Interested students must apply by completing an application form and submitting it to the Undergraduate Operations Manager, Arts Undergraduate Office. This fund is made possible by a donation from Professor Emeritus Peter Woolstencroft, a revered educator and passionate advocator for experiential student learning. An application form is required. Applications will be accepted throughout the year.
Eric Breugst International Exchange Award
Two awards, valued at $1,000 each, will be awarded annually to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in Year Three or Four of any program in the Faculty of Arts (excluding the School of Accounting and Finance) who will be participating in an eligible international exchange/study abroad program. Candidates must have a minimum overall average of 70%. Preference will be given to students with financial need for the term(s) abroad. Interested students should submit an application by July 15. This fund is made possible by a donation from Eric Breugst, who served the Faculty of Arts as an academic advisor for twenty-five years. He wishes to support the University of Waterloo's efforts to educate globally literate and world-ready graduates. An application form is required.
Guarantee of financial support
The University guarantees to fund unmet need as defined by the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) or a student assistance program from another Canadian province.
The University aspires to identify students in need and ensure that all eligible students admitted to full-time undergraduate programs have the financial assistance necessary to complete their studies. Students are required to seek financial support from all sources, including family, employment, government support programs and loans.
The University determines unmet need (as defined by OSAP) by using OSAP allowable costs minus the student's expected resources. Where other provincial jurisdictions use institutional bursaries as a resource, the University is not in a position to provide further bursary assistance to replace/repay loan overpayments.