Experiential Learning Fund Application Form


The value of each award will vary depending on the budget requirements for the experience and the availability of funds. Funding for both awards is made possible entirely by Faculty of Arts alumni donations. Students will normally be awarded an amount to help with their costs rather than the full cost of the activity. The value of the award (up to $1,500) will be determined by Arts Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs or designate.

Eligibility and Selection

  • Open to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the Faculty of Arts.
  • The student should be in "good academic standing" with a minimum cumulative average of 70%.
  • The student must demonstrate how the activity will benefit their knowledge acquisition or professional development or enrich their in-class learning.
  • The student must provide a description of the activity, an outline of what they will learn and how they will benefit from the experience, and a budget. 
  • Students are able to receive this award more than once.


Applications will be reviewed three times a year. If possible, you should apply before you begin your activity by the following deadlines:

  • September 27th, 2024 for experiences taking place in the fall term
  • January 12th, 2025 for experiences taking place in the winter term
  • May 11th, 2025 for experiences beginning in spring term 

Application Form

By submitting this application, you will be considered for the Lynne and Peter Woolstencroft Experiential Learning Award, as well as the Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Student Experiential Learning Award.

Personal information
Should match details in Quest.
If different than the name that appears above.
(8 digits)
Academic information
Indicate your primary field of study (e.g., Honours Arts, GBDA, Psychology, French Studies)
E.g., 2A, 2B
You are encouraged to provide the awards committee with an introductory statement to explain why you are applying for this award and what makes you a good candidate. Max 250 words.
Please select the year and month this activity will start.
Type of activity
Please describe the activity and demonstrate how the activity will benefit your knowledge acquisition or professional development, or enrich your in-class learning (max. 250 words).
Upload supporting documentation
You are required to provide the awards committee with an anticipated budget which outlines the costs you will incur while participating in this activity. You also need to indicate if you are receiving any additional support for this activity. 
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, odt, xls, xlsx, ods.
If you are receiving additional budget support for this activity please provide the amount and source.