weCONNECTu Workshop: Troubleshooting your time management

Thursday, October 1, 2015 5:45 pm - 6:45 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Are you tired of trying new time management strategies at the beginning of the semester, just to find by week three you have fallen back into your old habits? You are in luck, this workshop is for you. We will discuss how to break your old habits, how you may be sabotaging your time management efforts, realistic time management strategies and how to maintain them throughout your entire semester. You may think you have heard all there is to know about time management, but this workshop will present these age old strategies in a way that is fresh and relevant for you.

This workshop is a part of a series being offered through weCONNECT in B.C. Matthews Hall (BMH) for all Faculty of Applied Health Sciences (AHS) students. Workshops will be facilitated by a Peer Success Coach and your AHS weCONNECT mentors will discuss all topics and how they relate to students in Kinesiology, Recreation and Leisure Studies, Health Studies, and Health Promotion.

Registration is strongly recommended.