November 7 Agenda and Meeting Minutes

November 7 Meeting Agenda and Minutes


Date: October 31th  2023 Time: 5:30pm

Location: BMH 1016 



Open Session


  1. Call to Order
  2. Highs & Lows
  3. Approval Agenda
  4. Approval of Meeting Minutes

Regular Agenda

  1. Reports of Officers
    1. President
      1. Bites and Insights Debrief 
      2. Pumpkin Painting Winners
      3. Photo theme Nov 21 
        1. Pyjamas 
        2. Holiday 
      4. Food truck EOT? Date? 
        1. Tacos, beavertails, korean corn dog?, cookie cough, cheese 
      5. Winter By-elections 
      6. General Members Meeting
    2. VP Internal Affairs
    3. VP Education
      1. Alumni takeover 
      2. Sweater Update
    4. VP Finance
      1. Budget 
    5. Directors
      1. Events 
        1. Boogie Bingo 
        2. EOT event brainstorm
      2. Comms & Media
        1. Media updates
      3. Services
      4. EDI 
    6. Representatives
      1. PH Update




AHSUM Meeting Minutes

BMH 1016/Microsoft Teams

Speaker: Hoang, Viv Secretary: DeSouza, Rochelle



The following members were present:

  • Hoang, Viv
  • DeSouza, Rochelle
  • Mistry, Krupa
  • Hassan, Prio
  • Khan, Farhaana 
  • Munasinghe, Ashini
  • Liu, Vicky
  • Zohdy, Saleena
  • Yang, Isabel
  • Verma, Nishtha
  • Akkerman, Avery
  • So, Jacey 
  • Marsili, Angelica 
  • Protacia, Jenna
  • Deng, Kevin 
  • Lam, Sara 



Call to Order

President, Hoang called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m.

Highs and Lows

High and lows will not be recorded since they are personal reflections.

Regular Agenda

Approval of Agenda

Be it resolved that the Executive approve of the Agenda

Motioned: Director, Khan Seconded: VP, Mistry

Motion carries unanimously

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Be it resolved that the Executive approve of the Meeting Minutes

Motioned:  Representative, Yang and Seconded: Representative, Zohdy

Motion carries unanimously

Reports of Officers


President, Hoang reported on the outcome of the Bites and Insights event. Positive feedback was heard from students and professors. There were some inconsistencies with the amount of food AHSUM requested and the amount of food that was provided. The space was a little tight at times. In the future, it would be nice to book a bigger room. Previous terms had the event hosted at the University Club, which AHSUM can consider booking again in the future. AHSUM was under budget for the event.

President, Hoang reported on the Pumpkin Painting winner. Gift cards can be sent though a gift card webpage and can be sent directly to the recipient. President, Hoang met with WUSA accounting and learned new information about reimbursements.Turn arond time for cheque reimbursement is 2 weeks. Most cheque requests get printed on Tuesday so it’s best to get thgns in on Monday. AHSUM will be dm’ing the winners.

The AHSUM bingo event is having promos go up today. SIgn up information will be added nto the caption of the post

President, Hoang reported that AHSUM is taking a team executive photo on November 21 in the Fireplace Lounge (before the team meeting). Last year, sports jerseys was done. One idea for this term could be pyjamas. AHSUM should ideally figure out the theme by next week so that members can prepare with outfits/props.

President, Hoang reported that AHSUM is considering doing a food truck during the last week of November for End of Term (EOT). Students have been inquiring if AHSUM will be doing Beavertails again. Korean corn dogs could be something that AHSUM can look into. Angelica found a cookie dough truck (Crumby in Waterloo). Joey, Marsili will contact Crumby this week for quotes and cc’ Viv. AHSUM will have the event on November 29 from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00p.m. 

President, Hoang reported on Warm Up Wednesday. The invoice for next week is a little $300. AHSUM will be charged 25% if AHSUM tries to change it for this week.

President, Hoang reported that AHSUM will try to do an event the week of November 20. AHSUM can do a Breakfast Fundraiser. President, Hoang will do the event form for this event. 

AHSUM needs to schedule a general members meeting in November. AHSUM may need to do a constitution change so that AHSUM can edit the constitution. AHSUM members will present what they have been working on. The meeting will tentatively be scheduled on November 30 from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

AHSUM needs to schedule winter by-elections. VP, Mistry, Representative, Zohdy, VP, DeSouza and Representative, Verma as well as Joeys will be on a study term and are available to return to AHSUM next term. VP, Mistry will be moving into the president role. By-elections will need to be held for all other positions. Representative, Zohdy, Representative, Verma, and VP, DeSouza have the flexibility to switch roles. If AHSUM members are in school in the spring term, the members who are leaving in the winter term will return as executive members in the spring term. At the end of winter, a new election will be held for the new school year. November 27, promotions will go up and nominations will begin and will close on the 1. Campaigning 2-4 Voting 5-6.It will be known who the new team is on December 7.

VP of Internal Affairs

No report from VP, DeSouza 


VP of Education

VP, Mistry reported on another education type event for the end of the term. AHSUM can have alumni takeovers (Takeover Tuesdays). VP, Mistry has a MPH person in mind, an alum doing chiro, and Riana from MLSE. AHSUM had alum members sending clips ahead of time when this initiative was previously done, but AHSUM could send them login information as well. Ashley King from SPHS is planning an alumni takeover initiative on the SPHS instagram account.

VP, Mistry reported that AHSUM can pay the vendor directly instead of the supplier for sweaters. AHSUM has received an invoice received from the apparel company. Total is $7600. With embroidery fee, there is an addition 600. Total would come to $13,756.17. Per hoodie, this amounts to about 34. AHSUM would sell the hoodies for $35. AHSUM will not be doing pre-order for sweaters for the new lot. AHSUM is good to go ahead and place the order. The Recreation and Leisure majors have been verified. Embroidery will not start, the sweaters will be order first. Embroidering will take about a week. ONce AHSUM pays, AHSUM will put out promos. AHSUM will be getting a head start out generating promotions. 

VP of Finance

Bites and Insights has been added into the budget. Warm Up Wednesdays budget will be updated. The budget for sweater orders has been updated. 


Joey, Marsili reported on the Bingo event. Raptors tickets will be a prize at the event through a raffle. Joey, Marsili will try to see if the Bingo cards can be printed double sided. The more single cards we give people, the more pages that have to be printed. A different symbol can be marked on the same Bingo card as well. 3 rounds for Bingo will occur. For each round, a prize basket will be awarded. The contents of the gift basket would be themed. AHSUM wants to spend $500. The shopping for the items in each basket can be delegated for members to go and purchase. $25 gift cards will be included. When incurring gift cards, recipient information needs to be collected. Sign-ups for Bingo have gone up and will include the link in the story. Donuts would need to be picked up and then would need to be stored in the lounge. Chef on Call would be more complicated and more expensive. Pizza would be a simpler option to serve. Viv will purchase drinks at Costco. Angelica will look into purchase fruit platters. Kevin will bring a speaker. Angelica will be making a Spotify playlist to play the music. 

Director, Hassan 

Director, Khan 

Director, Munasinghe

Director, Liu


Representative Zohdy reported that SPHS is wanting to bandwagon and do a HealthBus. SPHS Master of Health Informatics is going to change to Master of Applied Data Science SPHS is considering introducing a Health Computer Science course. 


Other Business

New Business


Be it resolved that the Chair adjourns the meeting at 6:35 

Motioned: Priota and Seconded: Vicky

Motion carries unanimously