October 24 Agenda and Meeting Minutes

October 24 Meeting Agenda and Minutes


Date: October 24th  2023 Time: 5:30pm

Location: BMH 1016 



Open Session


  1. Call to Order
  2. Highs & Lows
  3. Approval Agenda
  4. Approval of Meeting Minutes

Regular Agenda

  1. Reports of Officers
    1. President
      1. Dean’s Lunch - Nov.17 12:00pm
      2. Event calendar overview
      3. Finances 
    2. VP Internal Affairs
    3. VP Education
      1. Bites and Insights
    4. VP Finance
      1. Budget 
    5. Directors
      1. Comms & Media
        1. Media updates
      2. Services
        1. Snack + Sweater Inventory 
      3. Events 
        1. Movie night 
        2. Pumpkin painting 
      4. EDI 
    6. Representatives




AHSUM Meeting Minutes

BMH 1016/Microsoft Teams

Speaker: Hoang, Viv Secretary: DeSouza, Rochelle



The following members were present:

  • Hoang, Viv
  • DeSouza, Rochelle
  • Hassan, Prio
  • Khan, Farhaana (online)
  • Munasinghe, Ashini
  • Liu, Vicky
  • Zohdy, Saleena


  • Yang, Isabel
  • Akkerman, Avery
  • So, Jacey 
  • Marsili, Angelica 
  • Protacia, Jenna
  • Deng, Kevin 
  • Lam, Sara 
  • Hang, Vivienne (SRO)

Regrets: Mistry, Krupa; Verma, Nishtha; 


Call to Order

President, Hoang called the meeting to order at 5:49p.m.

Highs and Lows

High and lows will not be recorded since they are personal reflections.

Regular Agenda

Approval of Agenda

Be it resolved that the Executive approve of the Agenda

Motioned: Director, Liu  Seconded: Representative, Hassan

Motion carries unanimously

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Be it resolved that the Executive approve of the Meeting Minutes

Motioned: VP, DeSouza and Seconded: Representative, Akkerman

Motion carries unanimously

Reports of Officers


President, Hoang reported that the Dean’s Lunch is on Friday, November 17 from 12:00pm-1:30pm and is taking place at University Club.

President, Hoang reported on the AHSUM events and media calendar to introduce these documents to the new Joeys and Councillors. WUSA event forms should be submitted at least 1 week before an event occurs. Joey of Events can brainstorm events and even take on some planning responsibilities for AHSUM events. The Breakfast Fundraiser was something that President, Hoang was hoping AHSUM could run and align it around the time that AHSUM gets their new coffee machine for the lounge. Every Wednesday, AHSUM will be hosting Warm Up Wednesdays from 11:00am-4:00pm. AHSUM would like to have catering provide the hot water each week as it takes a lot of time for the water to be boiled manually.

President, Hoang created a cheque request spreadsheet. Cheque request forms are located in the AHSUM Google Drive. The three signing authorities are President, Hoang, VP, Mistry, and VP, DeSouza. AHSUM members should send a message to President, Hoang when they are trying to login to the Google Drive so that she can approve the login.

President, Hoang will report information to the rest of the council about the Charity Ball that MathSoc is hoping to host and collaborate on later on in the week. 

VP of Internal Affairs

VP, DeSouza reported on office hours. VP, DeSouza has been filling in the vacant slots in the office hours scheduled. VP, DeSouza gave the new Joeys and Councillors the option to do office hours shifts in order to get more exposed to the work AHSUM does. VP, DeSouza will send a whentomeet link for them to complete so that VP, DeSouza can make changes to the schedule one last time. 


VP of Education

No report from VP, Mistry. President, Hoang gathered the availability of executive members available to help out with the Bites and Insights event on November 6 from 12:00pm-4:00pm. AHSUM has ordered a lot of food for the event. AHSUM is starting to print out promotions to put up in the lounge. Representatives should request to have the promotions posted on LEARN pages. There is a list on the Google Drive outlining which professors are expected to attend the event. VP, Mistry will be forwarding the calendar invite. President, Hoang will double check with VP, Mistry to inquire if academic advisors received invites to the event as well. 

VP of Finance

Director,  Liu reported on the AHSUM budget. AHSUM is estimating a budget of $30,000. A spreadsheet was prepared to estimate the costs associated with each AHSUM event/initiative for the term. If executive members purchase things for the event, they should notify Director, Liu so that she can update the actual costs spent in the spreadsheet. AHSUM has around $10,000 to spend. 


Director, Hassan will be decorating the physical event calendar with some support from the Joey of Promotions/Communication. 

Director, Khan reported on the Pumpkin Painting event on Monday, October 30 from 6:00pm- 7:30pm. President, Hoang bought 31 mini pumpkins. AHSUM is planning to give prizes out. AHSUM will be making note in the promotions that the event is first come first serve/while supplies last. AHSUM will give out Halloween candy at the event. 

Director, Munasinghe reported on the new sweater orders. Director, Munasinghe made estimates of order numbers for new sweaters. Director, Munasinghe is planning to order a total of 400 sweaters. The design AHSUM chose is a black hoodie with a large design on the front/centre. For AHSUM sales, cash sales need to be tracked on the square as well payments by card. 

No EDI report from Director, Liu. 


Representative, Zohdy reported on the AHSUM Movie Night event on October 26 from 6:00pm-8:00pm. The Sunlife Auditorium has been booked. The selected movie is Scream. AHSUM is expecting an attendance of 50 people. AHSUM will be purchasing pizza. Pop and drinks have been purchased. Currently, not a lot of executive members are available to attend. President, Hoang gathered the availability of executive members who can support the event. AHSUM can put out more promotions for the event and tag each of the academic units to reshare the post.  Representative, Zohdy found the movie on one of the streaming platforms she has. Director, Verma will be putting in a pizza order the day of the event. AHSUM may need to reduce the order of pizzas. AHSUM should put up wayfinding signs to direct people to Sunlife Auditorium. AHSUM could also make a video for wayfinding purposes. 

No report from other representatives. 


Other Business

New Business


Be it resolved that the Chair adjourns the meeting at 6:39pm

Motioned: Representative, Zohdy and Seconded: Director, Munasinghe 

Motion carries unanimously