October 31 Agenda and Meeting Minutes

October 31 Meeting Agenda and Minutes


Date: October 31th  2023 Time: 5:30pm

Location: BMH 1016 



Open Session


  1. Call to Order
  2. Highs & Lows
  3. Approval Agenda
  4. Approval of Meeting Minutes

Regular Agenda

  1. Reports of Officers
    1. President
      1. Movie night + Pumpkin painting debrief 
      2. Charity Ball
      3. Bingo Night
    2. VP Internal Affairs
    3. VP Education
      1. Bites and Insights
      2. Sweater
    4. VP Finance
      1. Budget 
    5. Directors
      1. Comms & Media
        1. Media updates
      2. Services
        1. Snack + Sweater Inventory 
      3. Events 
      4. EDI 
    6. Representatives




AHSUM Meeting Minutes

BMH 1016/Microsoft Teams

Speaker: Hoang, Viv Secretary: DeSouza, Rochelle



The following members were present:

  • Hoang, Viv
  • DeSouza, Rochelle
  • Mistry, Krupa
  • Hassan, Prio
  • Khan, Farhaana 
  • Munasinghe, Ashini
  • Liu, Vicky
  • Zohdy, Saleena


  • Yang, Isabel
  • Akkerman, Avery
  • So, Jacey 
  • Marsili, Angelica 
  • Protacia, Jenna
  • Deng, Kevin 
  • Lam, Sara 


Regrets: Verma, Nishtha


Call to Order

President, Hoang called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m.

Highs and Lows

High and lows will not be recorded since they are personal reflections.

Regular Agenda

Approval of Agenda

Be it resolved that the Executive approve of the Agenda

Motioned: Representative, Zohdy Seconded: Director, Hassan

Motion carries unanimously

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Be it resolved that the Executive approve of the Meeting Minutes

Motioned: Representative, Akkerman and Seconded: Director, Munasinghe

Motion carries unanimously

Reports of Officers


President, Hoang reported on the results of the movie night event. Movie night went well overall. There weren't any major challenges that AHSUM faced while running the event. Pizza had to be re-ordered at some point during the night and the pizza delivery person had difficulties finding the Health building. Clean-up went smoothly. 

President, Hoang reported on the outcome of Pumpkin Painting event. The event was well-received overall. Playing music in the background during the event added a nice touch. The posts recapping the Pumpkin Painting event will be going up later today. 

President, Hoang reported that AHSUM has pulled out of collaborating on the Charity Ball to be hosted by MathSoc. AHSUM can offer support to MathSoc with promotion of the event and outreach. There is nothing about ticket information for the event currently up on the WUSA website. AHSUM will provide a donation for the cause. SciSco will be having a Ball as well and is asking for help with promotion and outreach. 

President, Hoang reported that Bingo Night has been planned by Joey, Marsili. The event is planned to be held two weeks from now (on Thursday, November 16). The theme of the Bingo would be Boogie Bingo. A variety of songs would be played. $500 is being budgeted for the event to cover the costs of food and prizes. Krispy Kreme donuts could be a potential option to serve at the event. AHSUM could also look into catering dinner from Food Services (which can be found on the Catering & Event Services webpage). Pizza could also be an option. AHSUM could provide bigger prizes including gift cards with a bigger value or gift baskets (which could be music themed). Ideas for the event can be dropped into the executive members group chat. BMH 1016 could be a potential room option. Promos should go up early next week. AHSUM will put out promotions for the event after the Bites and Insights event has concluded. The Bingo event could be a sign-up so that AHSUM can get exact numbers for attendance. Bingo cards can be printed in the AHSUM office. 

President, Hoang reported that the physical events calendar in the lounge has been updated.


VP of Internal Affairs

VP, DeSouza reported on the updated changes to the office hours schedule. The latest changes will be the final schedule that all executive members should follow for the rest of the term. 

VP, DeSouza reported that the first Grad Formal meeting with the Co-Chairs took place and AHSUM will need to decide how much money to allocate to the Grad Formal event. President, Hoang reported that half of the funds will come from the Fall term budget and half will come from the winter budget. 


VP of Education

VP, Mistry reported on the Bites and Insights event. The vendor contact is Mike who is the supervisor of Grad House. The maximum show is 50 people at a time in the room. The food consists of veggie/meat lasagna, and pizza (cheese, butter chicken, meat options). There will be fruit and veggie trays. More pizzas will be brought as the event goes on. There will be one drink ticket provided per person (for a non-alcoholic drink). Attendees are able to purchase other drinks if they would like. Napkins, cutlery, tables and chairs are all provided by Grad House. For the event timeline, VP, Mistry will arrive at Grad House by 11:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. is when attendees will start to arrive. Two executive members will be at the door to give out drink tickets. One executive member will be around to explain the food options. Some other executive members can float around to facilitate discussions. The event will end at 4:00 p.m. Clean-up can be handled by VP, Mistry and two other executive members. VP, Mistry is waiting on receiving a floor layout. There is no strict dress code for the event. 

AHSUM would be paying a service charge to the sweater supplier that AHSUM is currently in contact with. AHSUM would like to receive an invoice when purchasing sweaters. If an invoice will not be provided, AHSUM will look into switching suppliers. 

VP of Finance

Representative, Akkerman reported on the AHSUM budget. AHSUM has spent a total of $2,485.83 so far this term. Representative Akkerman added Warm Up Wednesday information into the budget. For Warm Up Wednesday, AHSUM spent more than what was budgeted. For movie night, AHSUM budgeted $250 and spent $275. Going over the budget for these events will not put AHSUM’s budget into a rough shape because AHSUM has been under budget for other events. For the Pumpkin Painting event, AHSUM budgeted $160 and spent $32. AHSUM will still be buying gift cards for prizes associated with the event. For the snack restock, AHSUM spent $72.90 which was under the budget. AHSUM donated $100 to MathSoc for the Terry Fox Run event. 

When selling snacks, executive members should make sure to use the square for all sales so that the square can factor in the deductions of inventory. Executive members should also make sure that they are clicking the item be sold on the square rather than manually putting in costs.


No report form Director, Hassan 

No report from Director, Khan 

No report from Director, Munasinghe

No report from Director, Liu


Representative Zohdy reported that Dr. Neiterman is interested in facilitating meetings with undergraduate students to discuss their experiences as undergraduate students. Professors want to hear from 2A students and above.

Representative, Yang reported some changes about courses offered through the Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences (KHS). Kin 305 (Anatomy of the Thorax) will be becoming an official course. The department has added some courses to the medical physiology minor. There is interest in making the KIN 432 poster presentations a larger scale event. This is an idea to possibly apply and execute in the Winter term (there could be food and catering in future years. The fourth year classes could get canceled on that day to allow people to be able to come out and watch the presentations


Other Business

New Business


Be it resolved that the Chair adjourns the meeting at 6:27 p.m. 

Motioned: Director, Khan and Seconded: Representative, Yang

Motion carries unanimously