Gregory Pond, Chair

Associate Professor of Statistics, Department of Oncology, McMaster University
OICR Level II Investigator, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Research Scientist, Escarpment Cancer Research Institute
Research interests include the statistical methodologies and analysis of cancer clinical trials, with an aim to facilitate the translation of scientific discoveries into the clinic. Areas of interest include biostatistics, clinical trial methodology, and statistical design.
Link to Gregory Pond's Profile
Cecilia Cotton, Co-Chair

Associate Professor of Statistics, University of Waterloo
Research interests include the use of longitudinal data to solve problems in public health: inference for comparing survival across multiple dynamic treatment regimens based on observational longitudinal data, applications to epoetin dosing strategies for hemodialysis subjects with chronic kidney disease, and joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data in the context of causal inference.
Link to Cecilia Cotton's Profile
Wei Xu

Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Principle Biostatistician and Scientist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Research interests include biostatistics and bioinformatics, statistical genetics, design and analysis in clinical trial, statistical modeling and data mining.
Yan Yuan

Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, University of Alberta
Research interests include the development and application of biostatistical methods for public health and biomedical research. Area of interests include statistical prediction, classification, and developing appropriate measures for these problems.
Kelvin Kar-Wing Chan

Associate Scientist, Evaluative Clinical Sciences, Odette Cancer Research Program, Sunnybrook Research Institute
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
Staff Medical Oncologist, Odette Cancer Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Research interests include medical oncology, head and neck malignancies, clinical epidemiology, health economics, cost-effectiveness analysis, GI malignancies, decision analysis, and biostatistics.
Teresa Petrocelli (Observer)

Director, Clinical Translation, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research