We are NO LONGER RECRUITING for our MoveStrong at Home study. This study was completed by Master's student Ellen Wang, and Principal Investigator Lora Giangregorio, through the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Waterloo.
As we age, we lose muscle mass and strength. Exercise helps maintain muscle and improve balance, while eating the right kinds of foods supports muscle health. However, getting enough physical activity and protein can be challenging, especially during periods of mandated social distancing. Alternate ways to promote safe exercise and proper nutrition became more important than ever.
The study evaluated the feasibility of delivering exercise and nutrition education over the phone or computer to older adults with health conditions who were losing weight or had concerns with fatigue or mobility. The research aimed to identify what worked well, what didn’t, and whether the MoveStrong program could improve mobility, physical activity levels, diet, mental health, and quality of life.