Our project won the Best Innovative Concept Award from the Workshop “Leaders of Tomorrow” hosted by IEEE Toronto Section

Saturday, June 8, 2024
by Mingcheng He

Our project titled "Reconfiguration-Cost-Efficient Virtual Network Embedding in Satellite Networks" by Zhixuan Tang, Conghao Zhou, and Shisheng Hu, supervised by Prof. Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, won the Best Innovative Concept Project at the Workshop “Leaders of Tomorrow” hosted by IEEE Toronto Section on June 7, 2024, in Toronto, ON, Canada. Congratulations!  

The IEEE Toronto VTS/ComSoc/YP (Vehicular Technology, Communication, and Young Professions) Chapters award young professionals or students who present an innovative engineering design and demonstrate a significant technical project in the workshop “Leaders of Tomorrow” with the Best Innovative Concept Award.

Receive award in workshop