WCMS 3 Advent calendar #17: teasing blogs, news, events and more

Friday, December 17, 2021
by Irene Boby

Do you know that you can preview selected blogs, news and events on any page in WCMS 3? In WCMS 2, they automatically showed on the home page, but you would have had to manually enter the information to display it anywhere else. Now you can easily add it (and it automatically stays updated if you make changes), and people can find your content more than one way, increasing traffic across your site!

All the teasers are available as blocks, so adding it to your page is easy! Navigate to the content type you want to add the teaser to, add a section (if needed), then select Add block.

Teasers list screengrab

Scroll down to the list of teasers, and select the one you wish to add. Go on to type the name of the content page that you want to feature to insert it!

This is what a blog post teaser looks like!

And this is a news item teaser!

Now you know how to use teasers to encourage readers to visit other content on your site!

a decorative line

How did you like this tip? Is this something you are already doing, or maybe something you will look to adapt? Are you inspired with suggestions for future tips? Send us feedback!