Paper that is not confidential should be recycled by using the recycling bins. The custodians (Plant Operations) empty those when they are full. High volume Non confidential material may also be packed in boxes. The boxes must be marked "Recycling". Email Central Stores to arrange for pick up.
Confidential high volume office and file clear-out procedures:
- Pack all confidential materials only to be shredded in boxes and seal with tape. Boxes must be manageable and not weigh more than 50 pounds (23 kg). No oversized boxes. Used paper boxes are ideal. Unsealed boxes will not be picked up.
- Contact Carmen Jaray via email and give her your department name, building and room number, and the number of confidential shredding labels you require. Carmen will send you, green 4x6, labels to stick on each box.
- Once the labels have been affixed to the top of the sealed boxes, email Central Stores to arrange pick up from the secure room you have designated at the time of the pick up email.
- At the point of shredding, Central Stores will enter the information from the label into a computer file, enabling them to tell you, if required, exactly when your boxes were shredded. Under normal circumstances, shredding will take place within 24 hours of pick up. You must record your barcode number(s) for reference if you need to know when your boxes were shredded.
Confidential console procedures:
- Our confidential Shredding consoles are located in various departments and copy rooms on campus These are for small amounts (1 to 5 pieces of paper at a time) of confidential shredding only, DO NOT OVERLOAD THEM. Central Stores checks these consoles once per week and will replace with an empty bag when full. Contact Wes Stewart for console inquiries.
**The following items are not acceptable for confidential shredding and must be removed:**
large metal clips (staples and regular paper clips are OK), binders, elastics, transparencies, plastic and metal file folders, duotangs, c.d.'s, string, packing tape, duct tape, hard-bound, glue bound or spiral bound books / booklets / magazines / pads, garbage and soiled paper products