For ordering gas cylinders from Linde
Log into Watprocure
In the Punch Out suppliers box click on Linde
There are two options to make an order
- Use the search bar to input the part number. (See your supplied part number list or if you do not have a list, request a copy from Central Stores).
- Select the specific gas from the default options.
Confirm the correct gas is selected.
Select the cylinder size and quantity.
Add to cart. Continue to add cylinders to your order.
Go to Cart to proceed.
Double check the quantity and checkout.
Make sure to select Central Stores (263 Phillip Street) on the delivery address drop down box.
Confirm the change.
Confirm your quantity and leave the return number blank.
Return cart to WatProcure system.
Proceed to checkout via WatProcure. (procedures can be found here).
Input your delivery location (building and room number), end user information (name).
Input your account number.
Place your order.
Your order is then moved into the financial approval stage.