To ensure that your mail reaches its destination, we ask that you use Name, Department, and Building Code on all packages and envelopes addressed on-campus.
For outbound mail, please use the correct postal code. Since sorting mail by a high-speed machine is faster than by hand, getting the postal code right is crucial! Make sure it's there, make sure it's in the right place (no more than 45mm from the bottom edge of the envelope) and most importantly, make sure it's correct.
To further assist in handling of the mail, please pre-sort into campus, IUTS, off-campus, Canadian, USA, foreign and stamped categories. Put your IUTS and on-campus mail together in the on-campus slot in your departments. Put your off-campus and stamped mail in the off-campus slot in your departments. Please have your department name on all of your outbound mail either above or below the University logo. All 9 x 12 and larger envelopes must be sealed before sending down to the mailroom.
Please Note: Postage is for University business only. All personal mail must already have a stamp on it.
University business means the business purpose of an expense must contribute to the pursuit of learning through scholarship, teaching, and research. If the expense in itself does not clearly demonstrate how it contributes to the pursuit of learning through scholarship, teaching, and research, or the administrative support thereof, a detailed explanation must be provided to ensure that an independent third-party (i.e. an auditor) could reasonably come to the conclusion that the expense did constitute an appropriate business expense based on the information attached as supporting documentation.
For special pick up & delivery requests email receiving
For on-campus mail inquiries email Rob McMurren
For outbound mail inquiries email Carmen Jaray