Cases in Accounting Ethics funding and copyright information

These cases were developed by members of the Centre for Accounting Ethics. Funding for these cases was provided by the Alberta Accounting and Auditing Development Fund.

Copyright © 1998
Centre for Accounting Ethics
School of Accountancy
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1

Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. 2770
Fax: 519-888-7562

These cases may be reproduced for use in Canadian classrooms by submitting this form electronically or by mailing/faxing a copy of this form for each year that you use the material to the Centre for Accounting Ethics. It will be mailed/faxed back to you with a permission signature. There are no fees involved; however, we would like our records to reflect who is using this material, the purpose for which it is used, and the numbers of copies required.

Thank you,

Linda Robinson
Co-director, Centre for Accounting Ethics