Published articles of successful research proposals whose working papers were funded by the Centre
Farrar, J., Farrar, T., Hausserman, C., & Rennie, M. (2024). An Investigation of the Influence of Guilt, Awards, and a Moral Message on Tax Whistleblowing Decisions. Advances in Taxation, Volume 31, June 20, 2024
Farrar, J., & Mehmi, H. (2024). The association between fairness and judicial decision-making: Evidence from tax law. Florida Tax Review, Vol. 27 No.2 (2024): Spring 2024
Dunn, P., Farrar, J., & Hausserman, C. (2018). The influence of guilt cognitions on taxpayers’ voluntary disclosures. Journal of Business Ethics, 148(3): 689-701.
Dunn, Paul, Jonathan Farrar, and Cass Hausserman. "The Influence of Guilt Cognitions on Taxpayers’ Voluntary Disclosures." Journal of Business Ethics (2016): 1-13.
Jones, J., G. Spraakman, C. Sánchez-Rodríguez, “What’s in it for Me? An Examination of Accounting Students’ Likelihood to Report Faculty Misconduct,” Journal of Business Ethics, September 2014, Volume 123, Issue 4, pp 645-667.
Magness, V., "Who are the stakeholders now? An empirical examination of the Mitchell, Agle and Wood theory of stakeholder salience." Journal of Business Ethics 83(1), 177-192, December 2008.
Cohen, J., L. Holder-Webb, D., Sharp, L. Plant, “The Effects of Perceived Fairness on Opportunistic Behaviour,” Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol 24 No. 4, Winter 2007.
Libby, T., L. Thorne, "The Development of a Measure of Auditors' Virtue", Journal of Business Ethics, March 2007, Vol 71, #1
Libby, T., L. Thorne, "The Identification and Categorization of Auditors' Virtue", Business Ethics Quarterly, Special Edition on Accounting Ethics, July 2004, Vol 14, #3
Libby, T., L. Thorne, "Virtuous Auditors", CA Magazine, November 2003, p. 45-47
Working papers funded by the Centre
Gaa, J., Doing a Good Job: The End of the Accounting Profession.