Welcome to our Spring 2017 addition of CPATT News!
In this newsletter we highlight some of the various projects underway at the Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology (CPATT). This includes Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program (HIIFP), on the assessment and improvement of the Ministry of Transportation Ontario’s (MTO) imaging processing systems for usage in pavement management, Hydraulic Road Binders (HRB) as alternative sustainable and cost-effective stabilizers in the full-depth reclamation (FDR) process to improve the performance of low-volume roads, microscopic characteristics of polymer-modified asphalt using ESEM, and research collaborations between the University of Waterloo and Pontificia Universidad Católica, de Chile.
We also highlight some events from the past few months which includes a seminar by Dr. Judith Corley-Lay, Prof. Susan Tighe’s interview with Steven Paikin on TVO’s tv series “The Agenda”, a new committee
that has been formed with the CSCE, and a spotlight on Dr. John Emery.
There are also many special features on some of our current graduate students, and a feature on three faculty members from the Pontificia Universidad Católica, de Chile.
The five year plan for 2016-2020, will focus on continuing to develop and expand on external collaboration, and to focus on internal collaborations amongst faculty members in CPATT.
We hope you enjoy reading our newsletter.