The Norman W. McLeod Chair in Sustainable Pavement Engineering and the Norman W. McLeod Chair in Pavement Materials involves a focus on emerging and innovative technology, state-of-the-art research infrastructure in areas of design, materials, construction, preservation, safety, and management for: tackling specific problems, developing new technologies and training skilled people. It is a partnership with 15 partners interested in sustainable pavement research and education.
Sustainability focuses on reduction of emissions, reuse of materials, reduction of the usage of virgin materials, proper maintenance and management practices and supporting the use of processes and materials for the environment.
The Chair in Pavement Engineering focuses on:
- Cutting-edge pavement engineering research
- Development of sustainable and cost effective materials, designs and management tools
- Collaborative projects with government and industry
- Teaching and supervision of students
- Developing professional development courses for industry and government partners
One main objective of the Chair is to provide the specialized training needed to meet the challenges of transportation engineering in the 21st century. It will advance critical partnerships between universities, government, and the private sector. It will also help to nurture future leaders for this industry.
The Norman W. McLeod Chair in Sustainable Pavement Engineering and the Norman W. McLeod Chair in Pavement Materials is in support of the Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology (CPATT). CPATT has been the forefront of exceptional research, training and professional activities. This success is rooted in both the experienced and highly skilled faculty members, as well as the state-of-the-art facilities such as the John J. Carrick Pavement Laboratory at the University of Waterloo, the CPATT Test Track at the Waterloo Region's Waste Management Facility and several satellite test sites located across Canada. All of these facilities support the state-of-the-art research program. The current and future research will continue to advance key research needs but will also provide strategic training for the industrial partners and the broader community at large. Development of national and international partnerships will also facilitate technology transfer.