World Wide Views on Climate and Energy is a global citizen consultation that will be held on June 6th, 2015. One of the Canadian chapters of this worldwide event will be held in Waterloo, ON.
On June 6, beginning at dawn in the Pacific Islands and ending at dusk in the West Coast of the United States, citizens around the world will take part in the largest ever public consultation on climate change and energy. Citizens will be asked an identical set of questions on climate change and energy policy, targets, and measures.
What will happen on June 6?
Together with 99 other Canadians from Waterloo Region and the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph areas, you will exchange views on issues related to energy and climate. Facilitators will guide participants through a series of video clips, discussions, debates, and votes.
Why is this important?
In December 2015, important decisions on these topics will be made at a major United Nations meeting in Paris. How do you think political leaders should deal with energy and climate issues? Now is your chance to add your voice to this international conversation!
How to sign up?
Become a stakeholder
To make sure that the opinions expressed at this event are coming from a diverse group of Canadians, you have to apply to attend. We will then contact you to confirm your attendance as a participant.
WE ARE STILL ACCEPTING ONGOING APPLICATIONSfrom Canadian citizens meeting any of the following criteria:
- Aged 18-49
- High school education or less
- Living in a rural area
- Not in the work force for any reason OR working in the trades, transportation or equipment operators sectors OR working in the service industry
- Aboriginal OR Southeast Asian (including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino) ethnic background.
For becoming a participant, we would like to thank you with $100 at the end of June 61. Food and refreshments will be provided throughout the day as well.
Become a volunteer
If you are interested in volunteering on June 6th, please sign up here.
Our Partners
Support for the project so far has been demonstrated through financial contributions from the following partners:

The Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy is also participating as a communication partner.

1 The $100 gift may be taxable, so it will be your responsibility to ensure that it is accurately reported for income tax purposes.