Monday, September 25, 2017
University of Waterloo Delegation to the UNFCCC Climate Negotiations "COP23" (Bonn, Germany - Nov 6-17th 2017)
Do you have a strong interest in global climate governance? Would you be able to further your research interests or career aspirations by interacting with delegates from across the world at COP23? Are you keen to act in a leadership role to engage others on campus, in the community and on the international stage in discussions about climate change?
Get involved in COP23 Bonn Germany:
There are a limited number of "accredited" spaces available on the UWaterloo delegation for students who demonstrate an exceptional level of interest and commitment towards generating benefit for their professional development through attending COP23 in person.
APPLICATIONS DUE: Thursday, September 28th at 4:00 p.m. EST
Apply Now: