Member publications

Person holding their phone.

A collection of publications that our members contributed to in 2025. These resources provide the latest on our members' research.

January 2025

High-Porosity, Layered Iridium Oxide as an Efficient, Durable Anode Catalyst for Water Splitting - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu 

Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific burden of diarrhoeal diseases, their risk factors, and aetiologies, 1990–2021, for 204 countries and territories: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 - co-authored by Zahid Butt 

Evaluating manganese removal in groundwater using pilot scale biofilters: The role of filter media characteristics during start-up - co-authored by Brian Kendall 

Co-producing new knowledge systems for resilient and just coastal cities: A social-ecological-technological systems framework for data visualization - co-authored by Mathieu Feagan 

Inequities blocking the path to circular economies: A bio-inspired network-based approach for assessing the sustainability of the global trade of waste metals - co-authored by Simron Singh 

Honeycomb-Structured IrOx Foam Platelets as the Building Block of Anode Catalyst Layer in PEM Water Electrolyzer - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu 

Eco-friendly strategic decision-making towards grid modernization with fully renewable water and power community hubs - co-authored by Ali Elkamel 

Observation of Temperature Dependent Atomic Off-Centering in High Entropy Cubic I-V-VI2/IV-VI Alloys with Ultralow Thermal Conductivity - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu 

Inclusive mapping of sustainable finance and accounting: a bibliometric review - co-authored by Olaf Weber 

Food Allergy Genetics and Epigenetics: A Review of Genome-Wide Association Studies - co-authored by Susan J. Elliott and Amelia Clarke 

Nutrition biomarker assessment and exploration of the role of country foods to improve food security in the Sahtú Region, Canada - co-authored by Kelly Skinner 

The long multiphase trunk–tributary surge history of the high-Arctic Chapman Glacier, 1959–2023 - co-authored by Wesley Van Wychen 

Land Snow Surface Temperature Estimation Using an Optimized Near Real-Time Passive Microwave Algorithm - co-authored by Richard Kelly 

Environmental Catalysis for NOx Reduction by Manipulating the Dynamic Coordination Environment of Active Sites - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu 

Transition-Metal-Doped CeO2 for the Reverse Water-Gas Shift Reaction: An Experimental and Theoretical Study on CO2 Adsorption and Surface Vacancy Effects - co-authored by David Simakov 

Who is consuming ultra-processed food in Canada? A cross-sectional analysis of the 2018/2019 International Food Policy Study - co-authored by Sharon Kirkpatrick 

Cost benefit analysis of grid-based electrolytic ammonia production across Canadian provinces - co-authored by XiaoYu Wu 

A systematic scoping review of the collaborative governance of environmental and cultural flows - co-authored by Kelsey Leonard 

Enhanced Urea Oxidation Reaction Through Layered Double Hydroxides: Insights From ZIF-67-Derived Nanostructures - co-authored by Joyce Kim, Anna Klinkova, and Joyce Kim 

LVP: Leverage Virtual Points in Multimodal Early Fusion for 3-D Object Detection - co-authored by Jonathan Li 

Adoption determinants and policy tools for residential green stormwater infrastructure: A review synthesizing differences and commonalities among lot-level practices - co-authored by Dawn Parker and Michael Drescher 

Benchmarking of snow water equivalent (SWE) products based on outcomes of the SnowPEx+ Intercomparison Project - co-authored by Chris Derksen 

Climate-denying rumor propagation in a coupled socio-climate model: Impact on average global temperature - co-authored by Chris Bauch 

Reactive Robot Navigation Using Quasi-Conformal Mappings and Control Barrier Functions - co-authored by Gennaro Notomista 

Investigating how patients with lupus nephritis access and trust health information: Results from a Canadian survey of patients with lupus nephritis - co-authored by Susan J. Elliott 

Antarctic Wide Subglacial Hydrology Modeling - co-authored by Christine Dow 

Teaching climate change planning: fostering hope while building capacity - co-authored by Mark Seasons 

Knowledge mobilization, wildfire risk, and sustainable tourism in UNESCO biosphere reserves - co-authored by Brent Doberstein 

Direct Ink Writing of Conductive Hydrogels - co-authored by Eric Croiset 

Identifying viable financing mechanisms for post-earthquake housing reconstruction in Canada: Case study of a M7 earthquake in British Columbia - co-authored by Rodrigo Costa 

Multi-scale multi-task neural network combined with transfer learning for accurate determination of the ash content of industrial coal flotation concentrate - co-authored by Chao Tan 

A First Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Agricultural Peatlands in Canada: Evaluation of Climate Change Mitigation Potential - co-authored by Maria Strack 

Multimodal Sensor Fusion for Daily Living Activity Recognition in Active Assisted Living for Older Adults - co-authored by Plinio Pelegrini Morita 

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Last updated: October 2024


From a series of airborne radar surveys and modelling, a team of researchers led by Dr. Christine Dow, professor in the school of Geography and Environmental Management and a Waterloo Climate Institute member, discovered the 460-km river under the Antarctica ice sheet that could be the missing link to climate models. Their findings show the base of the ice sheet has more active water flow than previously thought, which could make it more susceptible to changes in climate.