From November 7th to 18th, 2016, six University of Waterloo students from the Faculties of Science, Engineering, Arts and Environment joined world leaders in Marrakech, Morocco for the "COP22" United Nations Climate Summit. While there, the students observed negotiations on how the Paris Agreement will be implemented, learned about the challenges faced in different countries and communities, met individuals from all over the world, and experienced the power of youth dedicated to ensuring a sustainable global future.
Thanks to a dedicated "home team" of student volunteers, individuals in Waterloo got in on the action too. Leonardo DiCaprio's documentary, Before the Flood, was screened on campus on the opening day of the Summit. Students in Waterloo had a chance to engage with the delegates in Morocco through social media, and to ask them questions during two live Skype sessions held during the first and second week of the event as well.
To reflect on the outcomes of this major global summit, the November installment of the Faculty of Environment Seminar Series featured Dr. Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger and Dr. Neil Craik, who spoke on the legal and institutional challenges of implementing the Paris Agreement.
Finally, on November 28th, to cap off the University's engagement in COP22 for the year, IC3 hosted a panel discussion where students and policy experts reflected on the summit and the challenges and opportunities they see for local, federal, and international action regarding climate change. Concerns were aired, questions were answered, and connections were made.

On behalf of the Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change and Climate Students, thank you to everyone who got involved! Continued dialogue and youth involvement are essential to making a difference in the fight against climate change.
To keep up to date with climate-change related issues and research and to hear about additional ways to get involved, check out IC3 News and Events, as well as Climate Students' social media accounts!