
100+ faculty members from across multiple institutions are involved in research projects and programs that are accelerating climate action around the world.

Roland Hall

Professor, Biology

Roland Hall studies aquatic ecology, paleolimnology and multivariate statistics to assess effects of multiple stressors (nutrients, acidification, climate change, river regulation, species invasions) on lakes, wetlands and reservoirs.

Bryan Grimwood

Associate Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies; Associate Chair for Graduate Studies

Bryan Grimwood's research is focused on tourism and Indigenous Peoples, tourism ethics and responsibility, northern landscapes, and outdoor experiential education.

Chris Fletcher

Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Management; Associate Chair for Graduate Studies

Chris Fletcher's research interests are climate modelling, dynamics and change, extratropical teleconnections and seasonal-to-decadal climate variability, land-ocean-atmosphere interaction, and snow albedo feedback.

Blair Feltmate

Professor; Head, Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation

Blair Feltmate's research is about identifying the additive value of sustainable development on an industry-specific basis and establishing a practical, meaningful and cost-effective climate change adaptation program for Canada.

Elizabeth English

Professor, Architecture

Elizabeth English focuses are amphibious architecture, sustainable flood mitigation, climate change adaptation, flood-resilient housing for indigenous populations and vulnerable low-income communities, historic structures and traditional cultures, community resilience and resilience metrics, wind effects on buildings, hurricane damage prevention, adaptive flood risk reduction, disaster management and relief.

Monica Emelko

Associate Director, Waterloo Climate Institute; Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Canada Research Chair

Monica Emelko's research interests include water treatment, wildfire, water quality, pathogens, climate change, filtration, land disturbance, environmental and water resources, water and land management, nanoparticle removal during drinking water and wastewater treatment, quantitative microbial risk assessment, water protection and smart infrastructure.

Ali Elkamel

Professor, Chemical Engineering

Ali Elkamel looks at process systems engineering, computer-aided product formulation and design, systems biology, carbon management, energy and environmental systems, optimization of oil, gas, petroleum refining and petrochemical operations, process modeling, and simulation and optimization of complex systems.

Claude Duguay

Professor, Geography and Environmental Management; University Research Chair

Claude Duguay's main research interests are in the areas of Arctic hydro-climatology, lake/cryosphere-atmosphere interactions, remote sensing, and numerical modeling. He is the founding director of the Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change.

Michael Drescher

Associate Professor, School of Planning

Michael Drescher’s research interests include the social psychology of private landowner conservation behaviours, socio-economic drivers of land use change, natural and cultural heritage landscape planning, environmental justice and equity, institutional analysis of green-blue infrastructure approaches, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and urban ecology.