
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

  1. Ehsan Seifi, Mehran Atamanesh, Amir K. Khandani, "Media-Based MIMO: A New Frontier in Wireless Communications”, Technical Report at Arxiv
  2. K. Moshksar and Amir K. Khandani, “Arbitrarily Tight Bounds on Differential Entropy of Gaussian Mixtures”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (to appear)
  3. M. J. Abdoli, A. Ghasemi and A. K. Khandani, "Interference and X Networks with Noisy Cooperation and Feedback,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (to appear).
  4. K. Moshksar and A. K. Khandani, Decentralized wireless networks with asynchronous users and burst transmissions", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (to appear), April 2015.
  5. K. Moshksar, A. Ghasemi and A. K. Khandani, An alternative to decoding interference or treating interference as Gaussian noise", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 305-322, Jan. 2015.
  6. B. Mamandipoor, K. Moshksar and A. K. Khandani, “On capacity-achieving distributions in Gaussian MAC with peak constraints”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2014.
  7. H. Bagheri, A. S. Motahari, A. K. Khandani, “On the Capacity of the Half-Duplex Diamond Channel Under Fixed Scheduling,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume:60, Issue: 6, Publication Year: 2014, Page(s): 3544-3558
  8. A. Motahari, S. Oveis-Gharan, A. Maddah-Ali, A. K. Khandani, “Real Interference Alignment: Exploiting the Potential of Single Antenna Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume: 60, Issue: 8, Publication Year: 2014 , Page(s): 4799-4810
  9. K. Moshksar and Amir K. Khandani, “Decentralized Wireless Networks: Spread Spectrum Communications Revisited”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 2576-2593, May 2014.
  10. Abdoli, M. ; Ghasemi, A. ; Khandani, A.K.; On the Degrees of Freedom of $K$-User SISO Interference and X Channels with Delayed CSIT; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; June 2013
  11. Shahab Oveis Gharan, Alireza Bayesteh, Amir K. Khandani; Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in Multi-Antenna Multi-Relay Networks: Improvements and Some Optimality Results; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; June 2013
  12. Ghadamali Bagherikaram; Abolfazl Seyed Motahari; Amir K. Khandani; The Secrecy Capacity Region of the Gaussian MIMO Broadcast Channel; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; May 2013
  13. Pourahmadi, V.; Bayesteh, A.; Khandani, A.K.; Multilayer Coding Over Multihop Single-User Networks; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Aug. 2012
  14. Ebrahimzad, H.; Khandani, A.K.; On the Optimum Diversity–Multiplexing Tradeoff of the Two-User Gaussian Interference Channel With Rayleigh Fading; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; July 2012
  15. Mirghaderi, S.R.; Bayesteh, A.; Khandani, A.K.; On the Multicast Capacity of the Wireless Broadcast Channel; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; May 2012
  16. Abouei, J.; Bayesteh, A.; Khandani, A.K.; On the Delay-Throughput Tradeoff in Distributed Wireless Networks; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; April 2012
  17. Taherzadeh, M.; Khandani, A.K.K.; Single-Sample Robust Joint Source–Channel Coding: Achieving Asymptotically Optimum Scaling of SDR Versus SNR; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; March 2012
  18. Bayesteh, A.; Khandani, A.K.; Asymptotic Analysis of the Amount of CSI Feedback in MIMO Broadcast Channels; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; March 2012
  19. Ebrahimi, M.; Khandani, A.K.; Rate-Constrained Wireless Networks With Fading Channels: Interference-Limited and Noise-Limited Regimes; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Dec. 2011
  20. Moshksar, K.; Bayesteh, A.; Khandani, A.K.; Randomized Resource Allocation in Decentralized Wireless Networks; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; April 2011
  21. Gharan, S.O.; Bayesteh, A.; Khandani, A.K.; Asymptotic Analysis of Amplify and Forward Relaying in a Parallel MIMO Relay Network; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; April 2011
  22. Motahari, A.S.; Khandani, A.K.; To Decode the Interference or to Consider It as Noise; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; March 2011
  23. Taherzadeh, M.; Khandani, A.K.; On the Limitations of the Naive Lattice Decoding; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Oct. 2010
  24. Rezaei, S.S.C.; Gharan, S.O.; Khandani, A.K.; Relay Scheduling in the Half-Duplex Gaussian Parallel Relay Channel; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; June. 2010
  25. Mahdavi-Doost, H.; Ebrahimi, M.; Khandani, A.K.; Characterization of SINR Region for Interfering Links With Constrained Power; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; June. 2010
  26. Gharan, S.O.; Bayesteh, A.; Khandani, A.K.; On the Diversity–Multiplexing Tradeoff in Multiple-Relay Network; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Dec. 2009
  27. Sadrabadi, M.A.; Bayesteh, A.; Khandani, A.K.; Achieving Long-Term Fairness and Optimum Multiuser Diversity Gain in Time-Varying Broadcast Channels; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Oct. 2009
  28. Farmanbar, H.; Khandani, A.K.; Precoding for the AWGN Channel With Discrete Interference; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Sep. 2009
  29. Motahari, A.S.; Khandani, A.K.; Capacity Bounds for the Gaussian Interference Channel; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Feb. 2009
  30. Maddah-Ali, M.A.; Mobasher, A.; Khandani, A.K.; Fairness in Multiuser Systems With Polymatroid Capacity Region; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; May 2009
  31. Maddah-Ali, M.A.; Motahari, A.S.; Khandani, A.K.; Communication Over MIMO X Channels: Interference Alignment, Decomposition, and Performance Analysis; ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Aug. 2008
  32. Maddah-Ali, M.A.; Sadrabadi, M.A.; Khandani, A.K.; Broadcast in MIMO Systems Based on a Generalized QR Decomposition: Signaling and Performance Analysis; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; March 2008
  33. Bayesteh, A.; Khandani, A.K.; On the User Selection for MIMO Broadcast Channels; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; March 2008
  34. Taherzadeh, M.; Mobasher, A.; Khandani, A.K.; LLL Reduction Achieves the Receive Diversity in MIMO Decoding; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Dec. 2007
  35. Taherzadeh, M.; Mobasher, A.; Khandani, A.K. Communication Over MIMO Broadcast Channels Using Lattice-Basis Reduction; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Dec. 2007
  36. Ebrahimi, M.; Maddah-Ali, M.A.; Khandani, A.K.; Throughput Scaling Laws for Wireless Networks With Fading Channels; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Nov. 2007
  37. Mobasher, A.; Taherzadeh, M.; Sotirov, R.; Khandani, A.K.; A Near-Maximum-Likelihood Decoding Algorithm for MIMO Systems Based on Semi-Definite Programming; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Nov. 2007
  38. Sadrabadi, M.A.; Maddah-Ali, M. A.; Khandani, A. K.; On the Capacity of Time-Varying Channels With Periodic Feedback; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Aug. 2007
  39. Ali Abedi; Amir K. Khandani; Invariance Properties of Binary Linear Codes Over a Memoryless Channel With Discrete Input; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; March 2007
  40. Yousefi, S.; Khandani, A.K.; A new upper bound on the ML decoding error probability of linear binary block codes in AWGN interference; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Dec. 2004
  41. Yousefi, S.; Khandani, A.K.; Generalized tangential sphere bound on the ML decoding error probability of linear binary block codes in AWGN interference; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Nov. 2004
  42. Lahouti, F.; Khandani, A.K.; Efficient source decoding over memoryless noisy channels using higher order Markov models; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ; Sept. 2004
  43. Esmaeili, M.; Gulliver, T.A.; Khandani, A.K.; On the Pless-construction and ML decoding of the (48,24,12) quadratic residue code; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ; June 2003
  44. Banihashemi, A.H.; Khandani, A.K. ; On the complexity of decoding lattices using the Korkin-Zolotarev reduced basis; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ; Jan. 1998
  45. Khandani, A.K. ; A hierarchical dynamic programming approach to fixed-rate, entropy-coded quantization; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory  ; July 1996
  46. Khandani, A.K.; Kabal, P.; An efficient block-based addressing scheme for the nearly optimum shaping of multidimensional signal spaces; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory  ; Nov. 1995
  47. Khandani, A.K.; Kabal, P.; Dubois, E. ; Computing the weight distribution of a set of points obtained by scaling, shifting, and truncating a lattice; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory  ;Sept. 1995
  48. Khandani, A.K.; Kabal, P. ; Block-based eigensystem of the 1±D and 1-D2partial response channels; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Sept. 1994
  49. Khandani, A.K.; Kabal, P.; Shaping of multidimensional signal constellations using a lookup table; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ; Nov. 1994
  50. Khandani, A.K.; Kabal, P.; Shaping multidimensional signal spaces. I. Optimum shaping, shell mapping; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, ; Nov. 1993 
  51. Khandani, A.K.; Kabal, P.; Shaping multidimensional signal spaces. II. Shell-addressed constellations; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ; Nov. 1993

IEEE Transactions on Communications

  1. K. Moshksar and A. K. Khandani, “Randomized masking in cognitive radio networks”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 61, no. 7, pp. 2635-2647, July 2013
  2. Moshksar, K.; Khandani, A.; Randomized masking in cognitive radio networks; IEEE Transactions on Communications; July 2013
  3. Pourahmadi, V. ; Motahari, A.S. ; Khandani, A.K.; Degrees of Freedom of MIMO-MAC with Random Access; IEEE Transactions on Communications; May 2013
  4. Pourahmadi, V. ; Motahari, A.S. ; Khandani, A.K.; Multilayer Codes for Broadcasting over Quasi-Static Fading MIMO Networks; IEEE Transactions on Communications; April 2013
  5. Callard, A.; Khandani, A.; Saleh, A.; Trellis precoding for MIMO broadcast signaling; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Aug. 2009
  6. Bahceci, I.; Khandani, A.; Linear estimation of correlated data in wireless sensor networks with optimum power allocation and analog modulation; IEEE Transactions on Communications; July 2008
  7. Abedi, A.; Thompson, M.E.; Khandani, A.K.; Application of Cumulant Method In Performance Evaluation of Turbo-Like Codes; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Nov. 2007
  8. Nikneshan, S.; Khandani, A.K.; A Low-Complexity Method for Fixed-Rate Entropy-Constrained Vector Quantization; IEEE Transactions on Communications; May 2006
  9. Taherzadeh, M.; Khandani, A.K. ; Spectrally efficient differential space-time coding using non-full-diverse constellations; IEEE Transaction on Communications; Oct. 2006
  10. Mobasher, A.; Khandani, A.K.; Integer-based constellation-shaping method for PAPR reduction in OFDM systems; IEEE Transaction on Communications ; Jan. 2006
  11. Nikneshan, S.; Khandani, A.K.; A low-complexity method for fixed-rate entropy-constrained vector quantization; IEEE Transaction on Communications ; June 2006
  12. Abedi, A.; Khandani, A.K.; An analytical method for approximate performance evaluation of binary linear block codes; IEEE Transaction on Communications ; Feb. 2004 
  13. Lahouti, F.; Khandani, A.K. ; Reconstruction of predictively encoded signals over noisy channels using a sequence MMSE decoder; IEEE Transaction on Communications ; Aug. 2004
  14. Mohammadi, A.H.S.; Khandani, A.K.; Unequal power allocation to the turbo-encoder output bits with application to CDMA systems; IEEE Transaction on Communications ; Nov. 1999
  15. Khandani, A.K.; Kabal, P. ; Optimization of a lattice-based constellation for signaling over a partial response channel; IEEE Transaction on Communications ; July 1998

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

  1. Kohandani, F.; McAvoy, D.W.; Khandani, A.K.; Wireless Data Traffic Estimation Using a State-Space Model; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology; Nov. 2008
  2. Khandani, A.K.; Wen Tong; Application of Shaping Technique With Turbo Coset Codes; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology; Nov. 2007
  3. Heidari, A.; Lahouti, F.; Khandani, A.K.; Enhancing Closed-Loop Wireless Systems Through Efficient Feedback Reconstruction; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology; Sep. 2007
  4. Razavizadeh, S.M.; Khandani, A.K.; Vakili, V.T.; Wen Tong; Space–Time Precoding for Downlink Transmission in Multiple Antenna CDMA Systems; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology; Sep. 2007
  5. Yang, J.; Khandani, A.K.; Tin, N.; Statistical decision making in adaptive modulation and coding for 3G wireless systems; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology ; Nov. 2005
  6. Nikopour, H.; Khandani, A.K.; Jamali, S.H. ; Turbo-Coded OFDM Transmission Over a Nonlinear Channel; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology ; July 2005
  7. Bakus, J.; Khandani, A.K.; Quantizer design for channel codes with soft-output decoding; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology ; March 2005
  8. Nikneshan, S.; Khandani, A.K.; Kabal, P. ; Soft-decision decoding of fixed-rate entropy-coded trellis-coded quantizer over a noisy channel; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology  ; March 2004
  9. Stienstra, D.; Khandani, A.K.; Wen Tong ; Iterative multiuser turbo-code receiver for DS-CDMA; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology ; March 2003

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

  1. Pourahmadi, V.; Fashandi, S.; Saleh, A.; Khandani, A.K.; Relay Placement in Wireless Networks: A Study of the Underlying Tradeoffs; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications; May 2011
  2. Heidari, A.; Khandani, A.K.; Closed-Loop Transmit Diversity with Imperfect Feedback; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication; Sep. 2010
  3. Ahmadzadeh, S.A.; Motahari, S.A.; Khandani, A.K.; Signal space cooperative communication; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication; April 2010
  4. Abouei, J.; Bagheri, H.; Khandani, A.; An efficient adaptive distributed space-time coding scheme for cooperative relaying; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication; Oct. 2009
  5. Mehdi Ansari Sadrabadi; Amir K. Khandani; Farshad Lahouti ; Channel Feedback Quantization for High Data Rate MIMO Systems; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications ; Dec. 2006
  6. Maddah-Ali, M.A.; Khandani, A.K. ; A new non-orthogonal space-time code with low decoding complexity; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications ; May 2006

IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing

  1. Farshad Lahouti; Amir K. Khandani; Soft Reconstruction of Speech in the Presence of Noise and Packet Loss; IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing; Jan 2007
  2. Lahouti, F.; Fazel, A.R.; Safavi-Naeini, A.H.; Khandani, A.K. ; Single and double frame coding of speech LPC parameters using a lattice-based quantization scheme; IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing  ; Sept. 2006
  3. Lahouti, F.; Khandani, A.K.; Quantization of LSF parameters using a trellis modeling; IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing ; Sept. 2003

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

  1. Mobasher, A.; Sotirov, R.; Khandani, A.K.; Matrix-Lifting Semi-Definite Programming for Detection in Multiple   Antenna Systems; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Oct. 2010

IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting

  1. Kohandani, F.; Khandani, A.K.; A New Algorithm for Peak/Average Power Reduction in OFDM Systems; IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting; March 2008

IEE Proceedings-Communications

  1. Miri, A.; Hons, E.; Khandani, A.K. ; Optimising the combined source and channel coding of a discrete communication system; IEE Proceedings-Communications; June 2005
  2. Bakus, J.; Khandani, A.K. ; Quantiser design for AWGN and Rayleigh fading BPSK channels with soft output decoding; IEE Proceedings-Communications; Dec. 2004 
  3. Esmaeili, M.; Khandani, A.K. ; Acyclic Tanner graphs and maximum-likelihood decoding of linear block codes; IEE Proceedings-Communications; Dec. 2000
  4. Khandani, A.K.; Linear (zero-one) programming approach to fixed-rate entropy-coded vector quantisation; IEE Proceedings-Communications; Oct. 1999
  5. Khandani, A.K. ; Shaping the boundary of a multi-dimensional signal constellation with a non-flat power spectrum; IEE Proceedings-Communications; Aug. 1998

IEEE Communications Letters

  1. K. Moshksar, A. Ghasemi and A. K. Khandani, “On Gaussian Interference Channels with Constellation-Based Transmitters”, IEEE Communications Letters; vol. 16, no. 12, pp. 1941-1943, Dec. 2012
  2. Chaudhari, P.; Khandani, A.K.; Using the Fourier transform to compute the weight distribution of a binary linear block code; IEEE Communications Letters; Jan. 2001
  3. Bingeman, M.; Khandani, A.K. ; Symbol-based turbo codes; IEEE Communications Letters; Oct. 1999
  4. Iun, E.V.H.; Khandani, A.K.; Combined source-channel coding for the transmission of still images over a code division multiple access (CDMA) channel; IEEE Communications Letters; June 1998

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking

  1. Fashandi, S.; Gharan, S.O.; Khandani, A.K.; Path Diversity Over Packet Switched Networks: Performance Analysis and Rate Allocation; IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking; Oct. 2010

IET Communications

  1. Heidari, A.; Khandani, A.K.; McAvoy, D.; Adaptive modelling and long-range prediction of mobile fading channels; IET Communications; Jan. 2010
  2. Akhlaghi, S.; Falahati, A.; Khandani, A.K.; New fast density evolution method for low density parity-check codes using higher-order statistic; IET Communications; Jan. 2008

European Transactions on Telecommunications

  1. Farmanbar, H.; Gharan, S.O.; Khandani, A.K.; Channel code design with causal side information at the encoder; European Transactions on Telecommunications; June. 2010

Electronics letters

  1. Nikneshan, S.; Khandani, A.K. ; Sequential search approach to fixed-rate entropy-coded quantisation; Electronics Letters ;Oct. 2002 
  2. Khandani, A.K.; Design of turbo-code interleaver using Hungarian method; Electronics Letters; Jan. 1998
  3. Khandani, A.K. ; Group structure of turbo-codes; Electronics Letters; Jan. 1998
  4. Bakus, J.; Khandani, A.K.; Combined source-channel coding using turbo-codes; Electronics Letters; Sept. 1997 
  5. Khandani, A.K. ; Optimum source-to-channel assignment; Electronics Letters; Jan. 1997
  6. Mohammadi, A.H.S.; Khandani, A.K. ; Unequal error protection on turbo-encoder output bits; Electronics Letters; Feb. 1997
  7. Khandani, A.K. ; Multidimensional cubic constellation with non-flat power spectrum; Electronics Letters; Oct. 1997
  8. Gazzah, H.; Khandani, A.K. ; Optimum non-integer rate allocation using integer programming; Electronics Letters; Nov. 1997