Help desk

Computer Science Computing Facility (CSCF) help desk can help when your Point of Contact isn't available or you don't know who to contact.

  • email:
  • phone the CSCF help desk 519-590-7683
  • visit the CSCF help desk in DC 2608

The Help Desk is staffed from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (with a lunch break from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.), and provides multiple services such as:

  • Setting up passwords for WatIAM, GENERAL and TEACHING
  • Computer imaging and base configuration
  • Help with eduroam wireless connection
  • Loaning equipment such as laptops, displays, portable hard drives, USBs, cables for different types of display connectors and more
  • Setting up network printers
  • Configuring email

... and similar services.

Please note that even if your request seems unrelated to the above list, the help desk staff will receive your request and ensure that it is recorded and assigned to the appropriate full-time CSCF staff person. The help desk will also triage emails sent to cs-print, cs-accounts and some other "generic" email accounts.