To instead see instructions for adding a video file to your course see this page: Adding a video file to your course.
Adding a web video (Youtube, Vimeo)
Items needed:
- Youtube or Vimeo video URL
- Please record the following information along with the URL
- Creator, Year, Month, Day, Title, Website, Length of video, Date Accessed
- Transcript (optional), placed in your course in the folder: / media / transcripts /
- Navigate to the page you want to embed the video on. Select 'Edit this page'. For more details, see How to update a page in the CMS.
- From the left sidebar, open pages / elements / embeds and drag the 'youtube-embed' or 'vimeo-embed' element (don't forget to drag the icon, not the file name) onto your page in the place where you would like the video to appear.
- This will open a dialog box with two tabs: 'Setup' and 'Copyright'.
Setup Tab
Enter the following information.
- Video ID
- Youtube: 11 digits following 'watch?v=' (i.e.
- Vimeo: string of numbers following '' (i.e.
- Starting Time Stamp
- Ending Time Stamp (Youtube only)
(Youtube Embed Setup Tab)
(Vimeo Embed Setup Tab)
Copyright Tab (All fields required)
- When sourcing a video be sure to record all of the following information as it will be required to embed the video
- Creator, Year, Month, Day, Title, Website, Length of video, Date Accessed
- Once all required fields are filled in, Save and close.
(Youtube Copyright Tab) (Vimeo Copyright Tab)
Finish and Save.
- A 'YouTube' or 'Vimeo' placeholder will appear on your page when the video has successfuly been embedded.
- To make further changes to the video properties, you can right-click on the video placholder and select 'webcontrol properties'. Follow the instructions above on how to change information on the Setup or Copyright tabs.
- To finish, in the page editor click 'Save' and 'Submit and Approve' to publish changes to your page.