Attend the Lean Panel at the 2016 Staff Conference:
April 7, 2016
10:30 - 11:45 a.m.
STC 1012
The University of Waterloo hosted the 2015 Lean in Higher Education Conference in September, attracting participants from across the University, greater community, nation-wide, and abroad. Since then, employees have expressed a groundswell of interest in learning and applying Lean methodologies for process improvement. Learn more about the plans for Lean at Waterloo, how a panel of employees are currently using Lean in their work, and how you can get involved to enable continuous improvement in your area.
The panel will be moderated by Marilyn Thompson, Associate Provost, Human Resources. Panelists include: Alex McCulloch (Library), Kierra Cali (St. Jerome's University), Randy Dicknoether (Plant Operations), and Dave Kibble (IST), Kenton Needham (HR), Michelle Hollis (HR), and Sati Singh (IST).