An investment of $8.2 million will help Canada lead in the future of manufacturing technology by building on the University of Waterloo’s foundation of multi-scale additive manufacturing to establish the Additive Manufacturing Alliance.
The announcement of funding through FedDev Ontario was made today by the Honourable Bardish Chagger, Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth and Member of Parliament for Waterloo, on behalf ofthe Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages.
The Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing (MSAM) Lab, housed at the University of Waterloo, is Canada’s most comprehensive academic research and development facility for next-generation metal additive manufacturing. With world-class equipment and the largest team of experts in the country, MSAM is a space for companies to adopt new technologies and innovative products, while also advancing technology through ongoing research.
Read more about the investment in the University's Multi-Scale Addtive Manufacturing Lab.