1.65 million NSERC CREATE grant awarded to fund new biomedical technology graduate program
Awarded to Professor Catherine Burns, the grant will help fund a new graduate program in global biomedical technology research and innovation starting in the fall of 2018.
Novel therapy offers new hope for social anxiety
Researchers at the University of Waterloo determine that Group therapy targeting negative mental images of oneself and others helpful to for social anxiety sufferers.
Smart clothing aims to predict failing health
Researchers from Waterloos faculties of Applied Health Sciences and Engineering, found that the data from wearable sensors and artificial intelligence could predict whether a person is experiencing the onset of a respiratory or cardiovascular disease
Waterloo chemists develop a faster form of drug testing
Thanks to a new way of testing blood and urine, developed by researchers at Waterloo, it will now be easier, faster and cheaper to test athletes who take performance-enhancing drugs.