East Coast Research

Friday, August 26, 2016

May 30 - June 2, 2016: Jess Kidd attended a Small Vessel Operators Proficiency (SVOP) course in Summerside, PE. This course was hosted by Holland College's Marine Training Centre, and attended to fulfill safety requirements for upcoming field work.

June 2016: Jess Kidd was based out of the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) in Charlottetown, PE. Jess assisted UPEI PhD candidate Kyle Kynsh with field work and volunteered with the Community Aquatic Monitoring Program (CAMP). Jess is also completing work as part of an internship with the Alberta Energy Regulator. Completing an internship is a requirement for the CREATE WATER Program.

July/August 2016: Jess Kidd and Simon Courtenay sampled littoral nekton communities of ten estuaries in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence as part of her thesis research. DFO personnel and Mark Van de Heuval's lab from UPEI assisted with sampling efforts.

East coast sampling