Office: EV2-2034
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Simon is a Professor and Director of the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability (SERS) at the University of Waterloo. He is also a Fellow of the Canadian Rivers Institute and a member of the UWaterloo Water Institute and the Ocean Canada Partnership.
Before coming to the University of Waterloo to serve as Scientific Director of the Canadian Water Network in 2013, Simon worked 25 years as a research scientist for Fisheries and Oceans Canada in New Brunswick. Simon is an aquatic ecologist with particular interest in coastal and estuarine environments. Past research has examined the uses that fish and macroinvertebrates make of these environments and impacts of anthropogenic activities on that ecology. Present projects include considerations for integrated management of the lower Grand River and contiguous northeast basin of Lake Erie, considerations for integrated coastal and marine management within the Bay of Fundy, effects of agricultural chemicals on estuarine biota in Prince Edward Island (PEI), contribution of internal loading to nutrient budgets in eutrophied estuaries of PEI, use of benthic macroinvertebrate communities as a monitor of impacts of urbanization within the Grand River watershed, adaptation of a citizen-science program for monitoring of marine environmental quality (MEQ) within eutrophied estuaries of Prince Edward Island and use of caged bivalves for monitoring the health of Saint John Harbour. Simon teaches in the graduate Collaborative Water Program and an undergraduate course in Environmental Assessment.