Friday, August 23, 2024

Friday, August 23, 2024

Brandon Sweet
University Communications

Changes to LITE Seed Grant deadlines and funding periods

A banner for the Lite Grant.

A message from the Office of the Associate Vice-President, Academic.

The University of Waterloo’s Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Seed Grants fund projects that investigate innovative approaches to enhancing teaching and fostering deep student learning at Waterloo. They are funded by the Office of the Associate Vice President, Academic, and administered by the Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE). Since its inception in 2012, more than 180 research projects have benefited from LITE funding. Read about these projects on the CTE website.

Beginning in 2025, there will be two rounds of LITE Seed grants per year (June, October) instead of the current three. The total funding available and the number of grants awarded remains the same, and up to nine $7500 grants will be awarded per round.  

The funding period will also be extended to 18 months (from the current 12 months) to facilitate the full completion of research projects. Applicants will also need to meet with CTE’s research team for a consultation at least two weeks before the submission deadline.  

Do not hesitate to reach out to Annik Bilodeau, Educational Developer, Research and Consulting ( or Brianna Bennett, Educational Research Associate ( if you have any questions about these changes. 

The last round under the current guidelines will be in Fall 2024, with proposals due on October 1, at 11:59pm. All applicants must book a consultation with CTE’s Research Team prior to submission. Annik and Brianna are happy to meet before September 23. Proposals submitted without a prior consultation will not be reviewed.

Department-Branded Orange Tee Shirts

A banner advertizing custom branded orange t-shirts from the W Store

A message from W Store

In preparation for this year’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30, W Store is pleased to provide departmental and custom branding on Orange Shirts that feature the unique design from Alanah Astehtsi Otsistohkwa (Morningstar) Jewell of Morningstar Designs, from the exclusive collection developed in partnership with the Office of Indigenous Relations.

For an additional $2 per shirt, custom-branded orange tee shirts will be available to order until September 9. Custom branding is available in one colour on one sleeve. Please email to place your orders. A minimum order of 12 shirts is required for customization.

A significant portion of the proceeds from the sale of these Orange Shirts will be directed to support the Indigenous Student Development Fund on campus, established to provide financial assistance to those Indigenous students who are most at risk of abandoning their education due to financial hardship.

Non-customized orange tee shirts are available for purchase at W Store located in South Campus Hall, while quantities last.

Measuring biodiversity through listening

Samantha Kremer is standing on a rock with surrounding mountains in the background.

By Sarah Fullerton. This in an excerpt of an article originally published on Waterloo News.

From working for a clean energy incubator in Uganda to analyzing sales data in Munich, and monitoring biodiversity in Germany’s Black Forest, Samantha Kremer's co-op experiences have been nothing short of extraordinary.

Originally from Alberta, Kremer was drawn to the University of Waterloo for its renowned co-op program, which she saw as an ideal way to gain practical experience while earning her degree. Waterloo has the largest co-op program at a research-intensive university in the world with more than 70 per cent of students gaining up to two years of employment experience during their studies.  

As a fourth-year Honours Science and Business student specializing in biology, Kremer’s program led her to complete co-op terms not just in Canada but also overseas in Uganda, and even more recently, in Germany.

Kremer’s co-op journey in Munich, Germany began in January 2024 at Hoffmann Group SE, one of Europe’s largest tool manufacturers. At Hoffmann, Kremer learned how to translate complex data into actionable insights — an essential skill she brought to her latest co-op work term in the Faculty of Biology at Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg.

As an eco-acoustics and land use research intern, Kremer dove into her passion for science and biology, using eco-acoustics to monitor the biodiversity in grassland ecosystems. By training a machine learning classifier to recognize grasshopper and cricket sounds, Kremer is contributing to the development of an AI model that will allow scientists to quickly disentangle sound data and use the information as a biodiversity indicator in varying land-use intensities.

"It's like a Shazam for grasshoppers," she explains.

Read the full article on the Faculty of Science website.

Link of the day

Cheap Flight Day

When and Where

The Student Health Pharmacy (located in the lower level of the Student Life Centre) is offering flu shots with no appointments needed daily from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Call 519-746-4500 or extension 33784 for more info. COVID shots will be available on appointment basis only. You can register online at

Warriors Youth Summer Camps. Basketball, Baseball, Football, Hockey, Multi-Sport and Volleyball. Register today!

Warriors Game Day Tickets.Purchase your single game tickets or season packages today to cheer on your Warriors this season. Tickets on sale now for Basketball, Football, Hockey and Volleyball. Check out the schedules and purchase today!

Warriors Football Home Opener vs. Toronto, Sunday, August 25, 6:00 p.m., Warrior Field. Camps and Minor League Day, W Store Pop Up Shop, King Warrior’s Kids Zone and more. Purchase your tickets today!

WatITis 2024 call for proposals, Saturday, June 15 to Friday, August 23.

Ontario Mennonite Music Camp, Sunday, August 11 to Friday, August 23. 

New Faculty Teaching Days Spring 2024, Monday, August 19 to Friday, August 23, MC 2036.

Co-operative work term ends, Friday, August 23.

Co-operative work term ends, Friday, August 23.

To Be Honest: The Musical premiere performance: Wednesday, August 28, 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Physical Activities Complex (PAC) Gymnasium. Registration encouraged.

To Be Honest: The Musical premiere performance: Thursday, August 29, 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Physical Activities Complex (PAC) Gymnasium. Registration encouraged.

International Orientation, Thursday, August 29 to Saturday, August 31.

To Be Honest: The Musical premiere performance: Friday, August 30, 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Physical Activities Complex (PAC) Gymnasium. Registration encouraged.

First-year OrientationSaturday, August 31 to Saturday, September 7

Labour Day, Monday, September 2, most University buildings and operations closed.

Co-operative work term begins, Tuesday, September 3

Fall term lectures and classes begin, Wednesday, September 4

Deadline to register for Centre for Extended Learning (CEL)  "Getting Ready to Facilitate Online Courses: TA Training – Fall 2024" course,  Monday, September 16. 

Upcoming service interruptions

Stay up to date on service interruptions, campus construction, and other operational changes on the Plant Operations website. Upcoming service interruptions include:

  • MC to QNC Pedestrian Bridge temporary closure, Monday, June 17 to Friday, September 27, no access to bridge between QNC to MC due to construction.
  • Annual steam shutdown affecting all buildings within Ring Road, including Village 1, Engineering 5 and 7, Monday, August 19 to Friday, August 23, domestic hot water, heating, and steam will not be available and domestic hot water will run cold.
  • Ashphalt & concrete paving, UWP, August 13 - August 23
  • Fire alarm testing, School of Architecture, Friday, August 23, 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
  • Fire alarm testing, Digital Media (DMS), Friday, August 23, 2024, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
  • ESC building electrical shutdown, Saturday, August 24, 6:00 a.m. for 14 hours, building will be closed, all power to ESC will be shut down, elevators will not be functional
  • B. C . Matthews Hall building electrical shutdown, Sunday, August 25 2024 starting at 8:00 am lasting 6 hours. Normal power including elevators will be off. Emergency power will be available.