Brandon Sweet
University Communications
Waterloo celebrates Black History Month

A message from Vivek Goel, President and Vice-Chancellor.
The University of Waterloo is proud to celebrate Black History Month. Black History Month in Canada celebrates the contributions and achievements of Black Canadians and communities. It was officially recognized in 1995 when the House of Commons unanimously adopted a motion introduced by the Honorable Jean Augustine, the first Black Canadian woman elected to Parliament.
Our institution is committed to fostering and celebrating inclusion and belonging in our community. Throughout the year, we recognize various groups that make up our diverse community. This month, Waterloo’s Black History Month website highlights several inspiring stories. I encourage you to learn more about several students and faculty who are making a positive impact at Waterloo and beyond.
On the website, you can read about individuals like Chris Wilson (BSc ’21), who is pursuing a Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation where he is exploring Black futures and looking how to help organizations support activists and community organizers to advance change.
PhD student Eugenia Dadzie (BSc ’21,), a 2023 recipient of the Entrepreneurial PhD Fellowship, works alongside her supervisor Trevor Charles to investigate plastics biodegradation, bioplastics production and bacterial genome engineering. Her research has led to a venture called Metacycler Bioinnovations. The start-up uses bacteria to convert food waste to a fully biodegradable biopolymer with properties similar to pertroleum-derived plastics.
And Oliver Schneider, a professor in the Faculty of Engineering who is leading a unique reconciliation project that incorporates digital oral histories to highlight the experiences of survivors of the Nova Scotia Home for Coloured Children within a virtual reality learning experience for secondary school students in Nova Scotia.
I hope you’ll join me this month to celebrate the achievements and contributions of Black Canadians and their communities to the University and to Canada.
Register for the Surveillance, Privacy, and Algorithmic Power in the Workplace panel discussion

Members of the University community are invited to attend the second event of 2025 in the Antagonism and Intimidation in Academia Speaker series, entitledSurveillance, Privacy, and Algorithmic Power in the Workplace.
Panelists include Dr. Adam Molnar, Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Legal Studies, Dr. Urs Hengartner, Associate Professor in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, Dr. Krystle Shore, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Lupina Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow, and Course Instructor in the Department of Sociology and Legal Studies, and Danielle E. Thompson, a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology and Legal Studies.
"Dr. Adam Molnar and Dr. Urs Hengartner’s interdisciplinary research project, situated at the intersection of Sociology, Law, and Computer Science, analyzes the antagonisms fueled by workplace surveillance technologies, their social impacts, and the legal frameworks intended to regulate them," says the lecture's abstract. "Their work, which explores power imbalances created by emerging technologies in the workplace, allows for a more nuanced understanding of the complex issues surrounding worker autonomy, privacy, and human rights in the digitized workplace. Join some members of the research team for a discussion on the diverse methods used to explore these antagonisms."
Moderating the discussion is Anindya Sen, Professor, Economics, Faculty of Arts and Acting Executive Director, Waterloo Cybersecurity & Privacy Institute (CPI). The lead organizer and series chair is Dr. Suzan Ilcan, Special Advisor on Interdisciplinary Research (Professor & University Research Chair), Faculty of Arts.
The event takes place on Thursday, February 27, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:25 p.m. in the Humanities Theatre (HH-159). A reception will follow from 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The event will also be livestreamed.
Advisor Conference issues call for proposals

A message from the Student Success Office (SSO).
Each year the Advisor Conference brings advisors from across the faculties and support units together — and you could be a part of it.
We’re looking for speakers to join us on April 22, 2025, to cover topics like:
- Advising best practices, research, trends or approaches;
- Equity, anti-racism, decolonization, or Indigenization;
- Campus supports and services for students;
- Advising tools, systems, or use of artificial intelligence; and
- Student wellness or engagement.
This isn’t an exhaustive list. Pitch us whatever you’re an expert in!
What’s in it for you? Network with peers, speakers and guests and know that you’re making a difference to help advisors on campus provide the highest level of service to students.
Submit your proposal by February 24.
February Anti-Racism Reads: Black Boys Like Me

A message from the Libraries and Print + Retail Solutions.
Join the Libraries and Print + Retail Solutions for the next Anti-Racism Reads discussion on Thursday February 27. Jermal Jones will be in conversation with Matthew R. Morris, author of Black Boys Like Me: Confrontations with Race, Identity, and Belonging.
“In visceral and compelling prose, Morris illuminates the myriad layers of racial identity and the tenacity of internalized racism," says Dr. Robin DiAngelo, New York Times bestselling author of White Fragility and Nice Racism. "Gorgeously written, Black Boys Like Me is a must-read for understanding both the big and little Rs of racism and how it implicates all of us in different ways, relative to our positions within it.”
This in-person event will take place from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. at Fed Hall. We are encouraging registration via the Libraries’ website.
Copies of Black Boys Like Me are available to borrow from the Libraries; we also have limited copies available free of cost for those who sign up for the event and indicate they'd like a copy on the registration form.
Last call for January's notes

The Brubacher House Museum's Home Routes folk concert series is bringing in Hilary Hawke for a sold-out show on Saturday, February 1, at 7:00 p.m. on the North Campus.
"Hilary Hawke captivates audiences with her warmth, energy, and versatile banjo playing, blending North American old-time and bluegrass styles with contemporary classical influences," says a note from concert organizers. "With over 20 years of performance experience, she’s also an accomplished songwriter and arranger. Based in NYC, Hilary performs original music with guitarist Ross Martin and fiddler Camie Howes."

The Battle of Waterloo comes to the basketball court on Saturday as the Warriors face down the Laurier Golden Hawks, with the women's game at 6:00 p.m. and the men's game at 8:00 p.m. on Carl Totzke Court in the PAC. Not only is it the Battle of Waterloo, it's the Mike Moser Game, and will feature the Three Point Thrills contest and a Unity in Motion multicultural celebration. Buy your tickets today!
Information Systems & Technology (IST) has published the latest in the Atlassian blog series entitled Get Ready for Atlassian’s Winter 2025 Drop-In Sessions.
Link of the day
As Tears Go By: Marianne Faithfull, 1946-2025
When and where
The privately-run Student Health Pharmacy (located in the lower level of the Student Life Centre) is now offering new COVID booster shots and flu shots. Call for appointments to register for the vaccination at 519-746-4500 or dial extension 33784. Walk-ins are welcome.
Warriors Game Day Tickets. Purchase your single game tickets or season packages today to cheer on your Warriors this season. Tickets on sale now for Basketball, Football, Hockey and Volleyball. Check out the schedules and purchase today!
Join the Disability Affinity Program mailing list to receive meeting information for the Disability Community Network and the Accessibility Ally Network.
Consent Week W2025, Monday, January 27 to Friday, January 31.
Nanofellowship Competition 2025 submission deadline, Saturday, February 1, 11:59 p.m.
Home Routes folk concert: Hilary Hawke, Saturday, February 1, 7:00 p.m., Brubacher House, North Campus.
Warriors Basketball vs. Laurier, Saturday, February 1, (W) 6:00 p.m., (M) 8:00 p.m., Carl Totzke Court, PAC. Battle of Waterloo, Unity in Motion, Mike Moser Game, Three Point Thrills. Buy your tickets today!
Health Innovation Challenge, Monday, February 3 to Friday, February 14.
Be You launch event, Monday, February 3, 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Health Services building reception area.
13th Annual World Wetlands Day at the University of Waterloo, Monday, February 3,poster session and reception from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., public lecture, "Should We Care About Freshwater Salinization?" by Dr. Hilary Dugan, Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin–Madison, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Federation Hall.
Health Innovation Challenge kick off, Monday, February 3, 4:00 p.m. South Campus Hall cafeteria.
Master of Taxation, Virtual Information Session, Tuesday, February 4, 9:00 a.m.
Staff Association office hours, Tuesday, February 4, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., DC 3608.
Systematic and Scoping Review Series: Systematic and Scoping Review Methods, Tuesday, February 4, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., online via Teams.
NEW - Board of Governors meeting, Tuesday, February 4, 1:30 p.m., NH 3407 and online.
How UW Works: An Active Learning Workshop, Tuesday, February 4, 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., in person.
GRADflix Showcase, Tuesday, February 4, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Federation Hall.
Friesen Prize Lecture: “The Past, Present and Future of Evidence Based Medicine” with Dr. Gordon Guyatt, Wednesday, February 5. Register for one or all of the panel discussion (11:00 a.m.), lecture (1:00 p.m.), and meet & greet (2:30 p.m.). Please register as space is limited.
Screening of Menopause Documentary - The (M) Factor, Wednesday, February 5, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., DC 1302.
Noon Hour Concert: Ariel: The imprisoned spirit flies free, Wednesday, February 5, 12 noon, Conrad Grebel Chapel, Free admission.
Healthy Communities Discussion Series: Bench to Bedside, Thursday, February 6, 6:30 p.m., STC 1012.
Climate Conference 2025, join the Climate Institute and students from all faculties for keynote, Elder welcome, workshop, and community-building, Friday, February 7, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Federation Hall. Register today!
NEW - Fantastic Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Retirees Day, Saturday, February 8, 2:00 p.m., Physical Activities Complex.
Warriors Basketball vs. Algoma, Saturday, February 8, (W) 3:00 p.m., (M) 5:00 p.m., Carl Totzke Court, PAC. Fantastic, Alumni, Faculty Staff and Retirees Day, Senior Night, Employee Day, Three Point Thrills, W STORE Pop Up Shop. Buy your tickets today!
Warriors Women’s Hockey vs. Carleton, Saturday, February 8, 4:00 p.m., CIF Arena. Senior Night, Residence Night, Lou's Res Cookie Giveaway. Buy your tickets today!
NEW - Staff Association Brunch @ Lunch, Tuesday, February 11, 12 noon to 1:00 p.m., EIT.
NEW - Master of Taxation, Virtual Information Session, Tuesday, February 11, 4:00 p.m.
Upcoming service interruptions
Stay up to date on service interruptions, campus construction, and other operational changes on the Plant Operations website. Upcoming service interruptions include:
Optometry building heat shutdown, Saturday, January 25, February 1 and 2 from 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., full building heat shutdown for HVAC equipment work. The Witer Learning Resource Centre, the pre-clinic and the simulation lab will be open on February 1 and 2 with electricity and water still available.
Needles Hall electrical shutdown, Sunday, February 2, 8:00 a.m. for four hours, normal power will be off, elevator will be off, emergency power will be on.
Ring Road below the Pedestrian Bridge from Engineering 3 to Engineering 5 closure (one lane and sidewalk), Monday, February 3 to Friday, February 7, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily, pedestrian traffic rerouted to Laurel Trail, detour signage will be posted.
Psychology, Hagey Hall, Tatham Centre, Arts Lecture Hall fire alarm testing, Monday, February 3, 6:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
NH Rooms 1101 - 1903 electrical shutdown, Monday, February 3, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., all receptacles, appliances, and some corridor lighting on 1st and 2nd floor will be without power for approximately one hour.
Hagey Hall domestic hot water shutdown, Monday, February 3, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., no hot water during meter installation.
East Campus 1, 2 and 3 fire alarm testing, Monday, February 3, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
- Needles Hall domestic hot water shutdown, Tuesday, February 4, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and February 5 (backup day) no hot water available during meter installation.
Engineering 7 domestic hot water maintenance, Tuesday, February 4 from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., no domestic hot water available, domestic cold water will still be available in washrooms and kitchenettes.
Biology 1, Biology 2, Modern Language, Needles Hall, Earth Science and Chemistry and Dana Porter Library repairs to domestic hot water system, Tuesday, February 4, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., no domestic hot water available in affected buildings during the repairs, domestic cold water will be functional in all washrooms and kitchenettes.
Pharmacy, Integrated Health Building, Innovation Arena fire alarm testing, Wednesday, February 5, 6:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
University Club, Bauer Warehouse, Avril fire alarm testing, Wednesday, February 5, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.