Instructions for joining the EdTech Forum

About the EdTech Forum

The EdTech Forum provides a space to collaborate and share knowledge and information with other instructors and staff about educational technologies currently in use or being investigated at Waterloo. Note that this forum is not intended as a space for formal technical help.

If you need technical assistance, please submit a ticket to LEARN Help or the IST Helpdesk.

We have two channels currently (General and Polling Tools) and will create more based on interest and people volunteering to be the Champion for a channel. Ideally two people will volunteer to be the champion for a channel with one champion per channel being an instructor.

Typically, a Champion would be a user of a tool or category of tools and have interest in sharing what they know and learning from others. They would not be expected to be an expert, only to be interested and enthusiastic about learning from others.  The expectations are not onerous and could involve:

  • Sharing tips / tricks they’ve learned
  • Posing questions to the channel
  • Reminding users that it is not official help and to submit tickets to support staff when appropriate

If you have suggestions for a channel and are willing to be a Champion, we welcome your input.

Joining the Forum

Following the below instructions to add yourself to the EdTech Forum. 

  1. Open or login to Microsoft Teams
  2. Click on the Teams icon on the left; Click on the “+” icon
    Open Teams and select plus sign icon
  3. Click Join team
    Select Join team
  4. Enter join code: c414gic​​​​​​​
    Enter code to join team
  5. Click Add team​​​​​​​
    Click Add team

If you experience issues with this process, please still register for the EdTech Forum by completing the EdTech Forum signup form found on the Teaching Innovation Incubator site. You can expect to be added within 1-2 business days upon completion of the form.