Get support

Educational Technology (EdTech) Hub forum 

Microsoft Teams

We are excited to announce the launch of the EdTech Forum! The Forum is a space to collaborate and share knowledge and information with other instructors and staff about educational technologies currently in use or being investigated at Waterloo. Learn more about this initiative and how you can join today!

Technical support



Get support with LEARN, including information management and system integrations.


Call: 519-888-4567 ext. 41744

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Faculty service desks

Each faculty maintains their own computing facilities, which includes computer labs, service desks, training, printing, and computer accounts.

Contact your faculty service desk:

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Information Systems & Technology (IST) service desks

Helping you online or in-person with a variety of computing tasks and problems.


Electronic classroom support

E-classrooms on campus have data projectors, podium computers, and other technologies.

  • Urgent support request: 519-888-4567 ext. 33233
  • Non-emergency support requests: 

Additional e-classroom technology resources (IST Service Catalogue)

conferencing technology

Web conferencing support

Support for online environments that support collaborative, interactive, cross-platform teaching and learning.


Additional web conferencing information and resources (IST Service Catalogue)

Sound equipment

Media production studio

Get help creating a wide range of tech-enabled instructional media, including:

  • course introduction videos,
  • Light Board videos for course content,
  • audio-only content, and
  • videos for online course modules.

More information about these services is available in the IST Service Catalogue

Teaching and learning support


Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE)

Contact for support with course design and pedagogy (on-campus and blended courses).

Find your CTE Faculty Liaison.


Privacy and security

For questions or concerns about the University's approach to providing access to information or protecting privacy, visit the Information and Privacy website.

For questions or concerns about the Information Risk Assessment process, see the Information Risk Assessment resource on the Privacy website.

Keep learning

Keep Learning website

This website offers the collective expertise of many departments to support you in designing and teaching your courses during times of transition, including remote courses and concurrent in-person and online (held-with) courses.


Blended Learning support

Blended learning purposefully integrates and aligns online and in-person learning experiences. This includes both the new official definition of blended – a class scheduled as “BLND” in which instruction or activity is distributed between scheduled in-person and required online activities, resulting in fewer scheduled in-class hours – and courses that use an online environment for content or lecture delivery and the classroom for active learning opportunities (e.g., flipped classroom).


Centre for Extended Learning (CEL)

For information about online course design, development, and re-offers, and digital materials. 

Visit the CEL website.


Copyright at Waterloo

Providing copyright related support and advice to assist faculty, staff and students.

View the Guide for Instructors or visit the Copyright at Waterloo website.



Writing and Communication Centre

The University of Waterloo Writing and Communication Centre (WCC)is a hub of communication and writing practice, support, and research on campus.

No matter what the assignment is, the WCC is here to support you in any discipline, at any stage of the communication process. Visit the WCC website to learn more.


Waterloo Library

Your partner in anywhere, anytime learning and research.

Visit the Library website.


AccessAbility Services

Helping you understand your obligations as they relate to accommodating students with disabilities, and offering services and resources to help you facilitate these accommodations.

Visit the AccessAbility Services website.


video camera

Media Resources Library

Media Resources to support teaching and learning activities can be requested from the IST Media Resources Library.Services include:

  • DVD Pickup
  • New Streaming Licenses
  • Renewal of Streaming Licenses
  • Clipping Requests
  • General Inquiries about Media Resources or Report a Problem

 Questions can be submitted to