
New EdTech training opportunities available

Visit the Training page to learn about upcoming training sessions for Vexox and Creator+! Training for Perusall is also available.

Welcome to the EdTech Hub

Educational technologies, or EdTech, are digital technology tools used to deliver and facilitate learning, learning activities, and aid in creating or disseminating content. The EdTech Hub pulls together information regarding our centrally supported EdTech tools to help you decide which EdTech tool(s) may suit your use and how or where to get support.

Centrally supported means that the University provides funding and/or resources and technical support toward the tool, and that appropriate due diligence has been completed to ensure the tool meets privacy, security, and accessibility requirements.

Supporting teaching and learning at Waterloo

The EdTech Hub is primarily supported by members of three collaborative groups:

We focus on helping you integrate technology into teaching and learning.


As announced on May 3rd, the University obtained a one-year centrally funded site licence to pilot the polling tool Vevox, for both academic and non-academic purposes. iClicker is still currently supported since no single polling tool previously met all the requirements of our community of users. Both tools have recently added new features that need to be evaluated before assessing the results of the Vevox pilot.  

The University has recently been provided with a short-term opportunity to thoroughly pilot iClicker and its new features, free of charge. Before this, iClicker has been available to Waterloo students via a paid subscription.  

Instructional Technologies & Media Services (ITMS) is partnering with the Teaching Innovation Incubator (TII) to lead a pilot comparing these two polling tools to determine whether one of these tools would meet the needs of our users, or whether both will continue to be required for specific situations.  

Friday, August 2, 2024

Vevox Integration with LEARN

We're excited to announce that Vevox, one of the supported polling tools currently being piloted, will have an integration with LEARN enabled for the Fall 2024 term. This integration will allow Vevox to push grades to LEARN for correct answers and/or for participation.