Centrally supported tools

  • A web-based assessment system that automates the creation and grading of multiple-choice exams.

  • Assignments in which the final product created by the students is a video or audio recording, such as student presentations, creative assignments, interviews, and role playing.

  • Create a virtual meeting space allowing you to engage with one student, a small group of students, or up to 150 students with live video.

  • Provides access to current classroom technology options and support. 

  • An online, collaborative marking system designed for page-at-a-time grading. Pages in an assignment or test can be graded by markers and reviewed by instructors concurrently.    

  • An online platform that allows you to build custom digital interactives to promote active learning, encourage student self-assessment, create reflection prompts and more.

  • iClicker/iClicker Cloud can be used as a student feedback or polling tool.

  • LEARN supports announcements, email, chat, discussions, content creation, video notes, dropboxes, gradebook, quizzes, rubrics, and groups.

  • M365 apps provides access to a variety of communication, collaboration and productivity tools including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote, Bookings, Stream, Teams (including polling), and Forms.

  • Möbius is a robust online authoring and delivery environment specifically designed for the needs of STEM classrooms.

  • PebblePad supports students as they plan and prepare for learning, record and reflect on curricular and co-curricular learning experiences, and curate and showcase evidence of this learning for different audiences.

  • An easy to use tool for peer review or group evaluation that can be used across a wide range of pedagogical contexts.

  • An interactive document tool that allows you and your students to discuss specific words, sentences, and passages in a written text by highlighting key portions of a document for comment and discussion.

  • Q&A platform in wiki-style format, to collaborate in a single space. Students can post questions and collaboratively edit responses. Instructors can answer questions and/or endorse student answers.

  • Create questionnaires or surveys with a vast library of question types and response options, incorporate skip patterns and other types of logic, and generate reports to summarize data collected. 

  • A text matching and AI detection software that may be used to screen course assignments, Turnitin® is used to verify that all materials and sources in assignments are documented, and also detect potential artificial intelligence (AI) assisted writing in student assignments that may have been generated through AI technologies such as ChatGPT.

  • A simple to use platform for real-time polling, Q&A, and interactive quizzes that can support both academic and non-academic uses. 

  • Cisco WebEx is a comprehensive audio-video conferencing platform for remote work, providing solutions for online teachings with integration with LEARN, administrative meetings, and webinars.

  • A cloud-based video conferencing platform that can be used for video conferencing meetings, audio conferencing, webinars, meeting recordings, and live chat.