
About this tool

Akindi is a web-based assessment system that automates the creation and grading of multiple-choice exams. As an instructor, you can grade these exams using any sheet of paper and any scanner, putting you in control of the process. Alternatively, you can use Akindi Online to conduct assessments online - no paper or scanning required! Akindi replaced the legacy Scantron exam processing service; where you once used Scantron for multiple choice assessments, you can now use Akindi.

Features and functionality

  • Akindi Online assessments, paper-based assessments, or hybrid environment
  • Akindi Student Portal
  • Automatic question importing
  • Improved auto-submission
  • Customize assessments for select students

Tool guide

Cost Printing and scanning costs may apply if using W Print services
Recommended class size Unlimited
LEARN integrations Single sign-on integration with LEARN
Known limitations N/A
Level of support Centrally licensed and managed
Privacy & Security

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How your peers are using this tool

"I utilize Akindi for administering and grading the multiple choice component of midterms/exams. I enjoy the user interface, the ease of use, and the ability to quickly extract grades."

- Chris Vigna, Kinesiology and Health Sciences

"We use Akindi for multiple-choice assessments in our high-enrollment introductory classes.  The platform is very intuitive, allowing for easy creation and fast grading of our tests and exams.  The integration with LEARN allows for simple roster and grade management, and information is very efficiently shared with students as desired.  The platform provides detailed statistics and question-by-question analytics that are very useful when reviewing and analyzing question design and class performance."   

- Laura Ingram, Department of Chemistry

Vendor support

Get help using Akindi 

Campus support

Adding Akindi to LEARN (integration support only)

Printing/scanning support


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