
About this tool

Crowdmark is a grading an online grading and assessment platform that enables educators to grade paper-based and digital exams and assignments. 

Crowdmark is recommended in cases where handwritten work is important, for example, when students need to give full written answers or solutions, draw graphs or other figures.

Features and functionality

  • Online assessments, paper-based assessments
  • Crowdmark aims to reduce the overall time of managing and grading exams and assignments by eliminating the need to distribute, collect and track paper assessments among the grading team

  • The grading team can concurrently grade online allowing course instructors to monitor grading quality and progress in real-time

Tool guide

  • Free for Waterloo instructors and students
  • Printing and scanning costs may apply if using W Print services
Recommended class size Unlimited
  • Crowdmark imports LEARN roster
  • Instructors can export grades into a LEARN course gradebook
Known limitations N/A
Level of support

Centrally licensed and managed

Privacy & Security

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How your peers are using this tool

In the year 2021, about 840 Crowdmark courses were created (representing about 600 Waterloo courses) for grading approximately 8270 assessments. Approximately 50% of the courses were in the Faculty of Mathematics, ~30% in the Faculty of Engineering, and ~10% in the Faculty of Science.

Campus support

Crowdmark support team

Campus printing/scanning supprt


training certificate

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