Learning Management System (LMS) review project recommendation announced

Friday, October 27, 2023

After careful review and analysis of the Learning Management System (LMS) project findings, the project team has recommended continued use of LEARN (D2L’s Brightspace), with a focus on improving the platform as it relates to the learning experience. A new 5-year contract has been negotiated with D2L and is effective as of October 31, 2023.

Working to enhance LEARN and the learning experience

Findings indicate there are concerns with LEARN related to a combination of Waterloo processes/workflows/policies; Brightspace functionality and/or configuration; and knowledge gaps on current functionality that need to be addressed. LEARN was configured over a decade ago based on requirements that were specifically for academic credit courses. Since that time, there have been changes to pedagogical and learning methods and goals and the use of LEARN has expanded to encompass community groups, professional development, and training/workshops. 

Projects to prioritize and address opportunities for improvement will be initiated based on the LMS Review findings. The final review report and information on the initial projects will be shared within the next few months. Continued engagement with campus stakeholders will be critical to successfully modernize our LMS platform to meet the needs of learners in 2023 and beyond. Visit the project page to read more about the recommendation.

Project background

The LMS review was initiated to understand Waterloo’s satisfaction with LEARN, and expectations of an LMS now and in the future. Surveys and consultations with faculty, staff, and students to understand current and perceived future needs, review of market trends and other LMS solutions, and conversations with peer institutions were essential in formulating the recommendation on Waterloo’s future LMS direction.  

Please contact Pam Fluttert, fluttert@uwaterloo.ca with questions or concerns.