About blended learning at the University of Waterloo
Blended learning benefits instructors and students by increasing active learning and student engagement, increasing student agency and autonomy, and reserving in-class time for high impact learning activities. Its use is supported and encouraged by the University.
At the University of Waterloo, the descriptor "blended learning" refers to the following types of courses:
- courses for which instruction/activity is distributed between scheduled in-person and required online activities, resulting in fewer scheduled in-class hours (coded as "BLND" for scheduling purposes)
- courses that use an online environment for content or lecture delivery and the classroom for active learning opportunities (e.g., flipped classroom).
Support for blended learning at Waterloo is spread across a number of academic support units. We appreciate that in some circumstances, finding the best fit for your support needs is not always clear. The following is a guide to help you find the right kind of support for your blended learning needs.
Remember: There is no wrong path. We will ensure your support request gets to the people best positioned for the expertise you are seeking.
Need help designing or building a blended course? Contact:
The Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE)
The Centre for Extended Learning (CEL)
Still not sure who to contact for support?Tell us how we can help (Via UWaterloo Help Portal) |
Additional support for components of blended courses:
The Writing and Communication Centre (WCC)
- Asynchronous, live, and blended workshops customized to your course
- Online, asynchonous workshops on topics related to writing and communication
- Online learning resources covering common writing and communication topics
Instructional Technologies and Media Services (ITMS)
- Technical support for the use of centrally supported educational technology tools
- Self-help resources and/or training for centrally supported educational technology tools
- Licensing potential new centrally supported educational technology tools
The Library
- In-class workshops
- Support for research-based assignments
- Identify open access and library-licensed course materials
Connect with your Subject Librarian
- Adapt existing Library-created digital learning objects for your course
- Integrate Library-created digital learning objects into LEARN
Connect with the Library's instructional design team
- AODA and copyright compliant course materials via Library course reserves