Faculty Teaching Fellows

Teaching Fellows at Waterloo

What are Teaching Fellows?

Each Faculty at the University of Waterloo has one to two appointed teaching fellow who champions evidence-based, student-centered teaching practices aligned with institution-wide priorities.

The scope and operations of each Faculty's teaching fellow(s) vary widely, and some faculties have a teaching fellow within each of its departments, but the lead teaching fellows meet regularly to share perspectives across Faculties and to develop and support institutional teaching and learning initiatives.

Waterloo's Teaching Fellow Program

The teaching fellows program was established in response to recommendations from the 2011 task force on “Innovative teaching practices to promote deep learning at the University of Waterloo,” with aims to support a cultural shift at Waterloo and encourage and assist instructors in promoting deeper learning for students. 

Check out past and present projects

Each year the lead teaching fellows from across the Faculties choose a project to champion across all parts of campus in addition to supporting initiatives within each of their faculties. Current and past projects include: 

  • Accessible Education (2023-present) 
  • Wellness (2022-2023)
  • Blended Learning (2021-2022)

2025-2026 Faculty Teaching Fellows

Allison Chenier

Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Arts (Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Sociology and Legal Studies)
Photograph of a woman with a closed smile. She has blonde/brown shoulder length hair and is wearing a grey coloured cardigan.
Location: PAS 2040
Link to personal webpage: More about Alison Chenier

Carolyn MacGregor

Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Engineering (Associate Professor, Systems Design Engineering; Associate Dean, Teaching & Student Experience)
Location: CPH 2376H
Link to personal webpage: More about Carolyn MacGregor

Christine Barbeau

Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Environment (Continuing Lecturer and Associate Director, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability)
Christine Barbeau
Location: EV2 2009

Diana Skrzydlo

Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Mathematics (Continuing Lecturer, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science)
519-888-4567 x46721
Location: M3 3144
Link to personal webpage: More about Diana Skrzydlo

Elena Neiterman

Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Health (Associate Professor, School of Public Health Sciences)
Photograph of woman with light brown hair (shoulder length), smiling at the camera with teeth. Wearing a purple blouse and multi-coloured, pink, purple scarf.
Location: LHN 3721
Link to personal webpage: More about Elena Neiterman

Uzma Rehman

Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Arts, (Associate Professor, Department of Psychology)
Photograph of a woman with shoulder length black hair smiling at the camera. She is wearing a black blazer with a white blouse underneath.
Location: PAS 4055
Link to personal webpage: More about Uzma Rehman

Vivian Dayeh

Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Science (Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Biology)
Headshot of Caucasian woman with brown shoulder-length hair smiling at the camera with a closed smile. wearing black rectangular glasses, a blue blouse, and black blazer
Location: B1 277
Link to personal webpage: More about Vivian Dayeh