Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Please share with staff and faculty in your areas as appropriate.
What is happening? IST has recently procured an Adobe Acrobat Pro enterprise license. This software will be available to all full-time staff and faculty at the University of Waterloo. Other staff (e.g. part-time) will need to continue to purchase a license separately.
When is this happening? September 21-22, 2022
What do users need to do?
- Adobe Acrobat Pro will be deployed to IST Managed Windows computers in Academic Support Units. Employees working in a faculty, should check with their Faculty IT group regarding deployment to faculty managed computers.
- Staff and faculty with previous Adobe accounts (VIP, personal, Creative Cloud (through a faculty or WStore)) should follow the login instructions in the Adobe Acrobat Pro knowledge base article
- See the Adobe Acrobat Pro knowledge base article for login instructions, download information for unmanaged computers, and other information.
- To learn how to use Adobe Acrobat Pro, see Acrobat tutorials | Learn how to use Adobe Acrobat
Questions or concerns? Please contact the IST Service Desk,