We're excited to announce that Vevox, one of the supported polling tools currently being piloted, will have an integration with LEARN enabled for the Fall 2024 term. This integration will allow Vevox to push grades to LEARN for correct answers and/or for participation.
We are planning to enable this integration as of August 19, 2024, after final exams are finished, to avoid any issues during the exam period. Instructors can still create polls in Vevox now and will be able to create links to them easily from LEARN after the integration is enabled. Note that the Vexox integration with LEARN requires student identification to push grades; if "anonymous" is selected, options to send grades to LEARN are removed. The ability to export grades from Vevox in CSV format is also available.
A training session about the Vevox integration with LEARN will be offered on August 29, at 9:30 a.m. Learn more about the session and obtain the meeting link.
You will still be able to log in to Vevox via SSO (Single Sign-On) using your Waterloo username and password without using LEARN. If you link to an activity in Vevox from LEARN, participants MUST use the link via LEARN, the Session ID via the SSO will not work.
Custom documentation is being written and will be available in the coming weeks.
Vevox guide on the EdTech Hub (with links to recorded training and other resources)
If you have questions, please contact LEARN Help via email (learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca).