Thursday, October 6, 2022
What is happening? Webex will migrate all Canadian user accounts to a new datacentre in Toronto, ON.
When is this happening? Wednesday, October 19, at 10:00 p.m.
Why is this happening? This work is part of Cisco's long-term plans for Webex. The timing of this change has been coordinated within a regular monthly maintenance window.
What is the impact?
- Hosts and participants may experience intermittent service unavailability when attempting to host or join meetings. If this occurs, affected users should rejoin the meeting.
- Users that have meetings scheduled during this maintenance window may be disconnected. If this occurs, the host will need to restart the meeting.
- Data for one-time and reoccurring meetings that were scheduled 13 months ago but never had meeting activities won't be available after the migration. Existing scheduled meetings won't be affected.
- Some historical reporting for Event Center and Support Center may not be available after maintenance, but new reports will be generated as expected.
Questions or concerns? Please contact and include ‘WebEx’ in the subject line.