Outcomes overview
Our research findings are primarily disseminated through journals and sponsored conferences of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
More than half of our journal papers have been published in the Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (TMTT), the leading IEEE publication covering all aspects of microwave and millimeter-wave technology.
Nearly a quarter of our conference papers are featured in the International Microwave Symposium (IMS), the flagship conference of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society. A selection of our publications is listed below.
b. Selected conference papers (refereed)
d. Selected workshops and invited presentations
Selected journal papers
B. Fehri, S. Boumaiza, "Dual-band digital predistortion using a single transmitter observation receiver and single training engine," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, accepted Sep. 2016.
M. Rejeb, S. Boumaiza, J. Dunsmore, J. M. Moreau, "RF receiver characterization and spurious-free dynamic range enhancement for PIM/weakly nonlinear device measurements," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, accepted Jul. 2016.
F. Mkadem, A. Islam, S. Boumaiza, "Multi-band complexity-reduced Volterra series for power amplifier digital predistortion," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 1763 – 1774, May 2016.
Y. Hu, S. Boumaiza, "Power scalable wideband linearization of power amplifiers," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 1456 – 1464, Apr. 2016.
M. N. A. Abadi, H. Golestaneh, H. Sarbishaei, S. Boumaiza, "Doherty power amplifier with extended bandwidth and improved linearizability under carrier-aggregated signal stimuli," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 358 – 360, Apr. 2016.
B. Fehri, S. Boumaiza, E. Sich, "Crest factor reduction of inter-band multi-standard carrier aggregated signals," IEEE Transactions in Wireless Communications, vol. 62, no. 12, pp. 3286 – 3297, Dec. 2014.
B. Fehri, S. Boumaiza, "Baseband equivalent Volterra series for behavioral modeling of power amplifiers driven with wideband carrier aggregated signals," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 62, no. 11, pp. 2594 – 2603, Nov. 2014.
H. Sarbishaei, B. Fehri, Y. Hu, S. Boumaiza, "Dual-band Volterra series digital pre-distortion for envelope tracking dual band power amplifiers," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 430-432, Jun. 2014.
F. Mkadem, M. C. Fares, S. Boumaiza, J. Wood, "Complexity-reduced Volterra series model for power amplifier digital predistortion," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 331-343, May 2014.
A. M. M. Mohamed, S. Boumaiza, R. R. Mansour, "Electronically tunable Doherty power amplifier for multi-mode multi-band base stations," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 1229-1240, Apr. 2014.
A. M. M. Mohamed, S. Boumaiza, R. R. Mansour, "Doherty power amplifier with enhanced efficiency at extended operating average power levels," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 61, no. 12, pp. 4179- 4187, Dec. 2013.
H. Golestaneh, F. A. Malekzadeh, S. Boumaiza, "An extended-bandwidth three-way Doherty power amplifier," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 61, no. 9, pp. 3318-3328, Sep. 2013.
D. Y.-T. Wu, S. Boumaiza, "A mixed-technology, asymmetrically-biased extended and reconfigurable Doherty amplifier with improved power utilization factor," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 1946-1956, May 2013.
A. M. M. Mohamed, S. Boumaiza, R. R. Mansour, "Reconfigurable Doherty power amplifier for multi-frequency wireless radio systems," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 1588-1598, Apr. 2013.
N. Mrabet, F. Mkadem, O. Petelin, H. Medini, S. Boumaiza, "Mixed-signal multimode radio software/hardware development platform," IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 128-133, Jan. 2013. (Invited).
D. Y.-T. Wu, S. Boumaiza, "A modified Doherty configuration for broadband amplification using symmetrical devices," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 60, no. 10, pp. 3201-3213, Oct. 2012.
Selected conference papers (refereed)
S. Boumaiza, "Joint circuit-level and digital predistortion strategies for enhancing the linearity-efficiency tradeoff of Doherty power amplifiers driven with carrier aggregated signals," International Microwave Symposium (IMS), pp. 1-3, San Francisco, CA, May 2016. (Invited).
M. Liu, H. Golestaneh, S. Boumaiza, "A concurrent 2.15/3.4 GHz dual-band Doherty power amplifier with extended fractional bandwidth," International Microwave Symposium (IMS), pp. 1-3, San Francisco, CA, May 2016. (Nominated for best student paper award).
D. Bespalko, A. Amini, S. Boumaiza, "A high-order model looking beyond the first-order harmonic superposition assumption," IEEE Topical Conference on Power Amplifiers for Wireless and Radio Applications (PAWR), pp. 42-44, Austin, TX, Jan. 2016.
Y. Hu, H. Sarbishaei, S. Boumaiza, "Broadband power amplifier linearity enhancement under carrier aggregated stimulus using an auxiliary impedance branch," IEEE International Wireless Symposium (IWS), pp. 1-4, Shenzhen, China, Mar. 2015.
S. Boumaiza, H. Golestaneh, M.N. Abadi, A.M.M. Mohamed, D.Y.-T. Wu, "Broadband Doherty power amplifiers: Advances and challenges," IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON), pp. 1-6, Cocoa Beach, FL, Jun. 2014. (Invited).
B. Fehri, S. Boumaiza, "Joint dual-band Crest factor reduction and digital predistortion of power amplifiers driven by inter-band carrier aggregated signals," IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS), pp. 1-4, Tampa Bay, FL, Jun. 2014.
M.N. Abadi, H. Golestaneh, H. Sarbishaei, S. Boumaiza, "An extended bandwidth Doherty power amplifier using a novel output combiner," IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS), pp. 1-4, Tampa Bay, FL, Jun. 2014.
H. Golestaneh, F.A. Malekzadeh, S. Boumaiza, "Three-way Doherty power amplifier for efficient amplification of wideband signals with extended PAPR," IEEE Topical Conference on Power Amplifiers for Wireless and Radio Applications (PAWR), pp. 136-138, Newport Beach, CA, Jan. 2014.
A. M. M. Mohamed, I. Zine-El-Abidine, S. Boumaiza, R. R. Mansour, "Frequency Agile Monolithic GaN Doherty Power Amplifier," IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Symposium (CSICS), Monterey, CA, Oct. 2013. (Invited).
A. M. M. Mohamed, S. Boumaiza, R. R. Mansour, "Reconfigurable Doherty amplifier for efficient amplification of signals with variable PAPR," IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Seattle, WA, Jun. 2013. (Nominated for best student paper award).
H. Sarbishaei, D. Y.-T. Wu, S. Boumaiza, "Linearity of GaN HEMT RF power amplifiers: A circuit perspective," IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2012.
X. Fu, D. T. Bespalko, S. Boumaiza, "Novel dual-band matching network topology and its application for the design of dual-band class J power amplifiers," IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2012.
Patents and disclosures
- B. Fehri, S. Boumaiza, "Crest factor reduction of inter-band carrier aggregated signals," US patent 9,236,899 B2, Jan. 2016.
- F. Mkadem, S. Boumaiza, "Digital predistortion of wideband power amplifiers with reduced observation bandwidth," US patent 9,191,041 B2, Nov. 2015.
- A. M. M. Mohamed, S. Boumaiza, E. Sich "Efficient power amplification over large operating average power range," US patent 9,154,094 B2, Oct. 2015.
- Y. Hu, S. Boumaiza, "Radio frequency voltage source linearizer," US prov. patent application 62/175,568, Jun. 2015.
- B. Fehri, S. Boumaiza, "Method and apparatus for multiband predistortion using time-shared adaptation loop," US prov. patent application 15/078,801, Mar. 2015.
- B. Fehri, S. Boumaiza, "Baseband equivalent Volterra series for digital predistortion in multi-band power amplifiers," US patent application 14/889,057, May 2014.
- B. Fehri, S. Boumaiza, "Baseband equivalent Volterra series for behavioral modeling and digital predistortion of wideband transmitters," US patent application 14/888,876, May 2014.
- H Sarbishaei, Y. Hu, S. Boumaiza, "Dual-band signal transmission," PCT patent application IB2014/061,604, May 2014.
- A. M. M. Mohamed, S. Boumaiza, "Multi-frequency, multi-standard reconfigurable Doherty amplifier," US patent 8,981,850 B2, Jan. 2013.
- T. Liu, S. Boumaiza and F. M. Ghannouchi, "Nonlinear behavior models and methods for use thereof in wireless radio systems," US patent 8,078,561 B2, Dec. 2011.
Selected workshops and invited presentations
- S. Boumaiza, "Waveform engineering: a key concept in successful design of advanced Doherty power amplifiers for wireless communications," European Microwave Conference (EuMC), London, Oct. 2016.
- M. Millhaem, S. Boumaiza, "Mm-wave signal propagation and the implications on the design and test of next generation mobile communications systems," IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS) Microwave Application Seminar, San Francisco, May 2016. (Keynote).
- P. Gammel, S. Boumaiza, "Mm-wave power amplifiers for 5G communication: an enterprise with unprecedented challenges," Highly Efficient 5G PA Design Workshop, IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium / International Microwave Symposium (RFIC/IMS), San Francisco, May 2016. (Workshop).
- A. Raslan, S. Boumaiza, "Towards multi-harmonic nonlinear device characterization under ultra wideband modulated signal stimulus using NVNAs," IEEE 87th ARFTG Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 2016.
- S. Boumaiza, "Power amplifier design and linearization techniques for 5G," Ericsson, Ottawa, ON, Feb. 2016.
- S. Boumaiza, "Advanced mixed digital and RF circuit design techniques for enhancing power efficiency and linearity: unrelenting challenges in 4G and 5G radio frequency front-ends," Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Apr. 2015.
- S. Boumaiza, “Power efficiency and linearity: unrelenting challenges in 4G and 5G radio frequency front-ends,” IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON), Cocoa Beach, FL, Apr. 2015. (Keynote).
- S. Boumaiza, "Recent advances in high efficiency power amplifiers and linearization techniques for carrier aggregated signals," Ericsson, Kista, SW, Sep. 2014.
- S. Boumaiza, B. Fehri, H. Sarbishaei, "Baseband equivalent Volterra series for digital predistortion of radio frequency power amplifiers driven with carrier-aggregated signals," IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Tampa, FL, Jun. 2014.
- S. Boumaiza, "GaN based multi-standard power amplifiers," CMC Microsystems and NRC, Ottawa, ON, Jun. 2013.
- S. Boumaiza, "Recent developments in multi-band and broadband high efficiency Doherty power amplifiers," Ericsson, Stockholm, SW, Nov. 2012.
- S. Boumaiza, "GaN challenges and recent developments," GaN Technology Research Workshop, by CMC Microsystems and NRC-CPFC, Toronto, ON, Feb. 2012. (Workshop).