Mrachacz-Kersting, N. ., Voigt, M. ., Stevenson, A. ., Aliakbaryhosseinabadi, S. ., Jiang, N. ., Dremstrup, K. ., & Farina, D. . (2017). The Effect of Type of Afferent Feedback Timed with Motor Imagery on the Induction of Cortical Plasticity. Brain Research, 1674. (Original work published 2017)
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Muceli, S. ., Ivan, V. ., Jiang, N. ., Sebastain, A. ., Graiman, B. ., Aszmann, O. ., & Farina, D. . (2017). A Biologically-Inspired Robust Control System for Myoelectric Control. In Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II: Vol. 15 (2nd ed., Vol. 15). N/A. 9 158
Yao, L. ., Sheng, X. ., Zhang, D. ., Jiang, N. ., Mrachacz-Kersting, N. ., Zhu, X. ., & Farina, D. . (2017). A stimulus-independent hybrid BCI based on Motor Imagery and Somatosensory Attentional Orientation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 25, 8.
Aliakbaryhosseinabadi, S. ., Kostic, V. ., Pavlovic, A. ., Radovanovic, S. ., Kamavuako, E. N., Jiang, N. ., Petrini, L. ., Dremstrup, K. ., Farina, D. ., & Mrachacz-Kersting, N. . (2017). Influence of Attention Alternation on Movement-Related Cortical Potentials in Healthy Individuals and Stroke Patients. Clinical Neurophysiology, 128. (Original work published 2017)
Aliakaryhosseinabadi, S. ., Kamavuako, E. N., Jiang, N. ., Farina, D. ., & Mrachacz-Kersting, N. . (2017). Classification of EEG signals to identify variations in attention during motor task execution. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 284. (Original work published 2017)
Pan, L. ., Zhang, D. ., Jiang, N. ., Sheng, X. ., & Zhu, X. . (2017). Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation versus User Training on Improving Online Myoelectric Control for Amputees. Journal of Neural Engineering, 4.
Aliakbaryhosseinabadi, S. ., Kamavuako, E. N., Jiang, N. ., Farina, D. ., & Mrachacz-Kersting, N. . (2017). Influence of dual-rasking with different levels of attention diversion on characteristics of the movement-related cortical potential. Brain Research. (Original work published 2017)
He, J. ., & Zhu, X. . (2017). Combining Improved Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix with High Density for Myoelectric Control Robustness to Electrode Shift. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 25. (Original work published 2017)
Farina, D. ., Vujaklija, I. ., Kapelner, T. ., Sartori, M. ., Negro, F. ., Jiang, N. ., Bergmeister, K. ., Andalib, A. ., Principe, J. ., & Aszmann, O. . (2017). Man/machine Interface Based on the Discharge Timings of Spinal Motor Neurons after Targeted Muscle Reinnervation. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 1.
Yao, L. ., Sheng, X. ., Mrachacz-Kersting, N. ., Zhu, X. ., Farina, D. ., & Jiang, N. . (2017). Decoding covert somatosensory attention by a BCI system calibrated with tactile sensation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, In Press.