Engineering Orientation Week: Creativity, Excitement and Teamwork

Friday, September 26, 2014
by Brendan O'Hanlon

Waterloo Engineering has built a reputation from its co-op program. We're also recognized for our innovative approach to entrepreneurialism. But if you ask an engineering student, they might tell you that there's another reason Waterloo Engineering stands apart - it has an amazing orientation week.

Excited Orientation leaders

Every fall semester, during the week before the first classes, engineering students from all years and programs come together to participate in orientation week. First year students are organized into teams lead by upper-year volunteers, and the teams compete in various challenges throughout the week for first place. 

Some activities are focused on preparing first-year students for school, some on team building and socializing, and some activities are downright silly. For instance, one team built a 25 foot tall tower from Lord of the Rings as their mascot using only cardboard, chickenwire, duct tape and paper mache. Important engineering traditions are also passed down from upper-year to incoming students.

First year students, gathered around their Lord of the Rings mascot

Engineering orientation week gives students the opportunity to meet new friends, find their way around campus, learn about their program from upper-years, and have a ton of fun before classes begin. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that no first-year student should miss.